chapter 23

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WARNING!!! A litttttllleeeee bit of mature content warning near the end of the chapter incase you don't like that stuff :) 


Once their time at the cafe was over, Rainbow Dash had high hopes for spending the afternoon one-on-one with Applejack, but as the three of them left the warmly lit eatery, her desire plummeted when overhearing Rarity and Applejack converse. 

"It was great catching up with you girls!" Rarity stated inclusively knowing fully well she didn't speak to Rainbow for most of the time. 

"It was nice to see you too Rare, that latte was just what we needed, wasn't it Dash?" She replied, nudging Rainbow with her shoulder to try and pull her into the conversation. 

Rainbow's eye lit up at the contact with AJ and hurried a response, "Yeah, I haven't had a latte in a while, good suggestion we'll see you tomorrow at school?" Dash mentioned suggestively as she eyed AJ, hoping she'd get the hint.  

"Oh well yes Dash, but AJ I was hoping you could come over and help me with some things at my house! I'm having a party this weekend for one of my friends at the boutique I am interning at and I need to move around some furniture. It was WAY too heavy for me but I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem for you, would it dear?" Rarity asked, sliding closer to Applejack and grabbing her arm, jokingly pulling it in a convincing come-with-me action. Rainbow felt a heaviness in her chest as she could see AJ consider it but sank even further as she spoke words of agreement. 

"Yeah okay I can help...if that's okay with you Rainbow?" Applejack asked after hesitating for a second as if suddenly recognising Dash's yearnings too late. 

"Oh, did you two have plans?" Rarity asked innocently, blinking her voluminous eyelashes curiously. Applejack began to open her mouth to either state a yes or no but was interrupted by Rainbow. 

"No we didn't it's okay Rare...she's all yours!" She said half sarcastically so that it was only detectable by Applejack. She was hurt that AJ instantly agreed to leave her but they ARE friends...very close friends...but still friends, so it's not like she's leaving her for a stranger. There is no reason she should be holding Applejack back from bonding with members of their group just because she was jealous. Trying to switch her mindset so this moment wouldn't affect the rest of her day, she cracked a smile and thought of how they could catch up another time. Applejack picked up on her tone and her eyes softened in an apologetic way, if they had lingered longer she may have said something, but Rarity whisked her away before the possibility could happen, waving goodbye as they walked away together, AJ having some irresolution in her step. 

"Bye Dash, text me when you're home!" Applejack finally called as the two girls disappeared around a corner in an attempt to express a final action of care, still conflicted with a choice between Dash and Rarity equally circulating in her mind. 

Rainbow sighed and looked around to figure out her way home from the city she's walked around enough that she's basically memorised the blueprints of it. Determining which way to go, Dash walked down the grey sidewalk opposite the direction of AJ and found a small rock, kicking it down the lane in front of her in time with her pace. As she walked, her legs guiding her in the familiar direction, she tried to distract herself and think of what to do when she got home instead of thinking about Applejack and what they did the night before.  

"...and that one needs to be over here AJ...and that table over there...and those cabinets need to be pushed all the way back...and-" Rarity instructed, attempting to explain her vision to Applejack. Trying to work while listening, AJ moved furniture as swiftly as possible, careful not to scratch the marble tiles below to fulfil the girl's vision effectively. She wasn't under a time limit and she probably could ask Rarity to repeat herself if needed, but AJ never turned down a challenge. Pushing the couch against the wall, sealing the corner gap with plush sofa, Applejack glanced up at Rarity for approval as she had seemingly finished the job as requests ceased firing. Rarity wandered over and slumped onto the couch as if she had done the hard work and smiled at AJ, "It looks exactly as I imagined, a fashion designer AND an interior designer!" She complimented herself, flipping loose strands of purple behind her head. "Thank you for fulfilling my orders darling, I was going rather fast, but you handled it effortlessly." 

Laughing in her mind at how of course Rarity compliments herself before me, she replied kindly, "Thanks Rare, you going fast just gave me a challenge, and I never turn down that." AJ replied, acknowledging her competitive personality traits. Rarity seemed to hear what Applejack had said, but as the smile on her face turned into what was barely a smirk, she seemed to interpret it differently. Rarity reached a hand up and grasped AJ's shirt, catching the girl off guard and pulling them together. As Applejack fell towards the couch, shocked by the sudden gesture, she tried to balance herself by placing a hand above Rarity on the head of the couch, but coincidentally and unfortunately, it caused Rarity to believe AJ was going with her motives. Before AJ could mutter a questioning or an apology, unknowing how she was supposed to feel and not truly accepting what was happening, Rarity raised a hand to Applejacks cheek, slightly wrapping around her neck and closed the gap between them. AJ initially felt alarmed, thoughts rushing through her mind of how she had just done this with Rainbow yesterday and she was conflicted about whether to stop what was happening or not, but her guilt was easily pushed aside as she selfishly accepted what she wanted to explore. 

Involving herself more, she wrapped her other arm around Rarity and leaned in closer, deepening the kiss. Going back and forth between whose lips established more dominance over the other, Applejack could feel herself getting carried away as equally as Rarity, but she didn't stop herself. She switched her angle and pinned the femme down on the couch cushions, not breaking the kiss, which was met with a breathy gasp from the bottom. As Applejack began to slide her hands up the slide of Rarity's body, getting closer to certain areas she'd never felt before, there was a painful repetition in the back of her mind, 'Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash.' Her loyalty was extremely flawed, yet she couldn't help but weakly justify her actions with how she and Rainbow never properly established what they were and hence it's not cheating. 

Rarity broke the kiss first but with secondary motives, slowly slipping off her top to reveal vulnerability underneath. Applejack's cheeks were noticeably stained red while her eyes flickered somewhat respectfully between the girl's blue eyes and her chest. Rarity lifted her hand to grasp Applejack's that was positioned beside her head and guided it towards her bust, doe eyes gazing up at AJ encouragingly as if she's been waiting for this moment. Blinded by lust, she took the opportunity and allowed Rarity to move her hand where she wanted her, AJ slowly planting kisses, varying from soft to hard, down her neck and below her collarbone. She willingly continued, discovering new areas to leave patches of blooming red, but stopped suddenly as she felt her hand being led to crevices further down. She looked up at Rarity uncertainly to see if the girl, she had only developed feelings for recently, was all in. Eyes penetrated hers with desire burning and urge flickering as she whispered a flirtatious consent. 

"Let's see if you can go fast for this challenge." 

Applejack paused for a moment, affirming an already-made decision, Dash far from her mind. 

'I never turn down a challenge.'

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