ONESHOT AU: The Infection

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above is my attempt at drawing their infection universe outfits, u may notice i took inspo from the pony world cutie remark when there was that war au. this whole chap is abt the infection in eqg universe not the ponyverse so, a bit different from those tiktoks. anyway, reference these outfits and general looks when youre reading this :) OKAY HAVE FUN KIDS (some of u r probably older than me)

warning: slightest, itti bittiest of gore (i dont like gore and im chill w this so its pretty a-okay, idk why i even put a warning, ur gonna be fine)


"What on earth are you doing here?" 

"Whatever...just let me in AJ."


The infection of 2045 only started small. At first, doctors believed the out of the ordinary, and mostly horrifying, symptoms that were falling upon young newborns were caused by simple birthing errors, the child being too early, too late, or something related to how their DNA was incompatible with injuries in their physical form, however, they did not come to the proper conclusion until it was too late. Once the children reached the newly registered nation-wide  level 5 on the chart, they were able to infect others with their bone sharpening, flesh rotting, hair darkened affects. Once the outbreak started in Manehattan, the security measures taken by all systems with enough influential power weren't enough to stop it. Soon, the virus had started to spread to other cities and states, countries began closing down borders, the remaining scientists urgently trying to find a cure unsuccessfully. While the physical toll it took on it's victims was one thing, the worst side effect, the eventual desire to kill and taste the blood of other beings, is what brought the city of Canterlot down. 

Individual Applejack took the needs of her family into consideration, herself and her older brother Mac able to devise a fast plan to getting their older grandmother and young teenage sister to safety. By identifying a location of a safehouse that had been constructed years ago as a war bombshelter, the siblings decided they would move the whole family there due to the many protection and health items there, the secure infrastructure, and most importantly, it's hidden location deep in their closest woods, a survival choice that seemed more logical than staying on their large visible farm. Upon moving there, the family was forced to change their way of life, only Applejack and Mac risking their lives to attain food for the family on rotation, one person always having to stay behind to take care of the young and old. They all hadn't seen anyone truly human in months, AJ having a close call with a shadowed figure she could spy lurking around a tree as she was returning from collecting wood. The two siblings took turns with night shifts to keep watch and wake up everyone into battle preparation if necessary, this dystopian world they now lived in seeming farfetched and impossible if someone explained their future reality to them a decade ago. 

Now, Applejack was finally being face to face with the first non-rotting human other than her family that she had seen in months.


"Rainbow you can't be here," AJ urgently tried to usher as the other pushed her way through the well maintained thick metal door, the unwanting host forcing down an annoyed groan as she remembered her duties to quickly glance left and right outside to make sure they were not in danger. Quickly shutting the large mound of protection back into it's post, following through with her extra measures, lifting two strong anchors over one side of the door to the wall and hooking it under a bent pipe so it was reinforced, she let out a frustrated sigh before turning towards her friend, if she could even call her that anymore. 

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