chapter 21

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Slices of sunlight cut through Applejacks blinds, an inch open, as the two girls lay under the covers with slight distance between them. They were facing each other, eyes closed and soft snoring mouths open, Applejack's hands tucked underneath the pillow opposing Rainbow's wide-spread arms. With strands of red and orange streaked hair tickling Dash's nose, she shuffled around subconsciously until her hair shifted its placement. Disrupting the resting girls, AJ's alarm, clucking chickens, echoed from her phone, causing immediate eye-opening flutters from the girls. Dash let out a groan and rolled over as AJ reached an arm over to her side table and whacked her clock multiple times until it successfully turned off. Applejack having always been a morning person was easily able to force herself awake, loosening a stretch from her tight muscles by reaching in different directions before returning to her laid-down position. Turning her head to face Dash, who was now facing the other direction, she snuggled closer and kissed her shoulder which was replied to with an acknowledging grunt.

"Good morning Dash." AJ spoke, voice free of any sleep grogginess. Rainbow was the type to sleep in every morning, miss her alarms, and be late to events, but for Applejack, she woke up each morning with grit and zest on her mind.

"Morning AJ..." She replied with a cracking voice as she attempted to roll over in a slumpy ball.

"How did you sleep sugarcube?" Applejack continued to chirp, trying to make eye contact with the opening and closing eyes of the sleeper.

"Sleepy," was all Dash could reply, fighting the urge to go back to snoozing. Applejack lifted a hand and was about to slide it down Rainbow's face gently when her phone buzzed. She initially ignored it as it didn't seem as important as the moment she was in right then, but before she could resume her caring swaddle, another buzz came, and then another, and then another. Slight concern growing, tackling whether it was Pinkie excited about another cake store opening or a real emergency, Applejack drew back her leveraged hand, sat up, and reached back over to her nightstand to grab her device. To her surprise, the messages proved neither of her probabilities. It was Rarity.


Rare 💎 

Hello darling!! How do you feel after last night?

Rare 💎

I was wondering if you were free this morning :)

Rare 💎

A lovely little coffee shop opened up down the road from me and I just discovered there are Apple Pumpkin Spice Lattes on the menu!! 

Rare 💎

I've been DYING to get one darling, care to join? 11am?


Applejack looked over at her sleeping Rainbow Dash and glanced back at her phone, hesitation in her movements. Of course, she would never turn down an opportunity to try new eateries, but after an oddly long time of contemplation, she decided there was a place she'd rather be. Smiling softly while gazing down at the girl, she leaned down and graced Dash's head with a little peck before returning to her phone to decline the offer.  As she typed out an apology, before she was to hit send, Rainbow Dash grunted out a question. 

"Who's texting you AJ?" The hints of jealousy were carefully overlayed by curiosity in her blunt tone. Dash rolled over again so she was facing Applejack,  head aligned with AJ's lower back and tilted her head upwards awaiting a response. 

"It's just Rarity, she wanted to know if I'm free." There was a pause between the two girls before she added a second statement. "I'm about to tell her no, because I'm busy with you sugarcube." Attempting to provide comfort in her response, careful to not diminish Dash's value or raise any insecurities, she made eye contact with her and tried to read how she felt upon hearing the new information. 

"It's okay, you should go." Dash replied, there was hurt in her voice, indicating she was beginning to self-inflict betrayal. This had happened throughout their relationship in the past. Whenever Applejack would interact with other people Dash believed were getting a little bit too close, destructive thoughts would fill her mind that ranged from Applejack wanting to leave her for someone else to her cheating. Rainbow knew AJ was always honest with her and it was highly unlikely she would do something like that, but insecurities were a constant, and she didn't know how to control them. Making matters worse, Applejack found it difficult to understand these insecurities as she had minimal herself. AJ reflected on this, a growing worry in her mind, she did care about Rainbow, but she didn't know if she'd be able to give her the support she needed to love herself as the only emotions she was good with were related to truths or lies. She knew it would hurt Dash if she went, but she also didn't want to get in too deep just in case it would end up in more fights or comforting sessions that wasted away the love. She had to find the middle ground. 

"How about I tell Rare I'm bringing you? Then we can still spend time together." Applejack suggested, hope straining in her eyes that Dash would compromise and agree to go. 

"...Okay." Rainbow committed after thinking for a period of time. She was either thinking or getting more sleep in, AJ couldn't tell as her face was burying further and further into the pillow, shielding the sun, growing in brightness. 

Applejack smiled and placed her left hand on Dash's head, stroking the bedhead-knotted hairs softly as a subtle physical apology for not spending the day one-on-one together like Rainbow may have planned.  


Rare 💎

Hello darling!! How do you feel after last night? 

Rare 💎

I was wondering if you were free this morning :)

Rare 💎

A lovely little coffee shop opened up down the road from me and I just discovered they are selling Apple Pumpkin Spice Lattes!!

Rare 💎?

I've been DYING to get one darling, care to join? 11am?


I feel okay, thanks for checking in. Plans sound good Rare. I'm going to bring RD if that's okay? She stayed over last night and looks like she needs a coffee after the demon thing.

Rare 💎

Oh! Okay :) Sure

Rare 💎

See u there AJ  


Applejack noticed how she only really seemed excited to see her and not Rainbow Dash, but brushed it off as overthinking she didn't need in her head. "C'mon Dash! We gotta meet Rarity in 40 minutes." Setting a timer on it would hopefully get her to move faster, but as she was met with more grumbles and groans, she knew she'd have to try a bit harder to get Rainbow out of bed. 

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