chapter 46

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After days of training, the games began to loom closer, and similarly, an external threat had arisen that Sunset had identified scoping out the Wonderbolts statue. The girls had come up with their theories, Crystal Prep students arriving to deface the mascot as they reputably have done in the past, or worse, someone had figured out something fishy related to a certain portal. However, instead of lingering on the thoughts, they decided to remain focused. Rainbow Dash had been asked by Principal Celestia to motivate the school by giving a speech at their assembly as she is the leader of multiple sport teams hence making team spirit no stranger to her. Unexpectedly, after her short performance she put together with the help of the band club, the judgemental teens who Dash assumed would find her lame, seemed to listen to her, and everyone left the gym feeling more confident than before that they actually have a shot this year. 

The group of friends went backstage to congratulate Dash on her moving speech and how effective it was, Fluttershy eagerly infront of the group. AJ was impressed by Rainbow's ease at public speaking and collaboration with the other performers to make an impact, she hadn't seen that initiative taking side of her before. As they waddled up the side of the stage, Dash was making her way over, waving at a few band members before noticing her friends at the side wing. Applejack smiled as she caught eyes with the girl, yet noticing from the corner of her gaze, a nervous Fluttershy dragging her fingertips through her hair and patting areas of her face as if smoothening out makeup. With curiosity then suspicion growing, AJ watched Fluttershy rush up to Dash and compliment her, saying it was 'amazing,' which drew the girls line of sight away from her almost girlfriend. AJ is normally a calm person, but since her and Rainbow were not official yet, she still felt somewhat territorial over the girl, and these feelings grew as Dash was talking to Fluttershy since the yellow toned girl was acting out of the ordinary. Cutting in on their conversation to draw Rainbow's attention to her, AJ spoke. 

"Is anyone else wondering how Dash ponied up without playing her guitar?" 

Just as she had hoped, the girls gaze shifted and she smiled at Applejack, to which she returned it as Dash replied to her. 

"I know right! It's probably because I'm so awesome!" 

AJ laughed at her egotistical statement and began to walk closer to the girl, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling Dash closer to which Fluttershy looked down at and turned away with slight disappointment across her face. Sunset began to say something about the magic but AJ wasn't listening, she preferred talking to Rainbow. 

"Woah AJ, why so touchy?" Dash asked her, smiling down at the arm that had enveloped her. 

"No reason, just very proud of my girl." AJ spoke softly, noticing Vice Principal Luna's joining presence. 

"Your girl?" Rainbow said with a smirk on her face. 

"You're my girl aren't you?" 

"Well I don't know AJ, you've been too pussy to ask me to be your girlfriend." Dash joked.

"Well if I do ask you, it won't be at school. But until then, you're still mine sugarcube." Applejack quickly gifted a peck on the cheek before pulling away. 

"Whatever you say AJ." 


Since everyone would be around school for the rest of the day, the friends wanted to practice their instruments, perfecting their reputable technique so in the case of a music competition coming up, they'd wipe out Crystal Prep in a landslide. With an hour before the meeting time Sunset had finalised for them to arrive at the music rooms, Dash and AJ snuck away from the others to spend some time together. 

"We have a bit of time, what do you want to do Dash?" Applejack inquired as they walked down the school halls, passing the occasional student carrying assortments of activities to prepare for the games. At this point the field had been closed off to the students so they were not allowed to observe what competitions they may be attending, hence the graduating grade were swarming in and out of available classrooms. 

"How about we go workout, we should try to bulk up AJ." Dash suggested, looking down at her own already toned arms. 

AJ stopped in her path and cut infront of Rainbow, not letting her continue walking. 

"What?" Rainbow asked upon observing Applejack's amused face. 

"You think I need to bulk up?" She asked, raising an eyebrow as if offended. 

"I mean we can always use more muscle." Dash tried to explain, attempting to shrug the conversation off. Applejack smirked and raised her left hand to readjust her tank top so that the strap was further inwards and shoulder was more exposed as she let her right arm reach a 90 degree angle and flexed. Clearly showing off to the girl she answered, "Nah I'm good." 

Rainbow was not expecting to be blessed by Applejacks biceps but, 'oh my god,' she thought. She was much more jacked than she thought, the t-shirts she'd constantly wear mostly covering all her assets. 

"Holy shit AJ, you're fucking hot." Rainbow felt slip out of her, eyes ravenously staring at the girls arm in shock, feeling herself get flustered.

"I know," She replied simply before letting her pose drop back to her side, Rainbow still gazing at her with wide eyes and boosting AJ's ego.  

Applejack stepped to the side once more and began to continue down the hall while Dash was still staring in awe. Forcing herself out of the restrictive trance, she shook her head and laughed, "So much humility AJ." 

The girl turned around to face her at the snarky attack and rolled her eyes before speaking sarcastically. "Of course." Then followed by a sweeter, "Only for you Dash."

IGNORE HOW BAD THE ART IS, I CANNOT DRAW, but heres a visual for u 

IGNORE HOW BAD THE ART IS, I CANNOT DRAW, but heres a visual for u 

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