chapter 53

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Oh my god. 

There was someone else in the room watching the whole event unfold. 

Applejack and Dash immediately jumped away from eachother, urgently smoothening out their clothes and wiping their salivated mouths with the back of their hands as if tidying themselves up was going to make what was witnessed any better. AJ shot mortified looks at Rainbow as they silently tried to figure out what they should do, widened eyes gesturing to eachother wildly. 

The girl in the corner of the room was sitting upon a stool that was facing one of the schools laptops, the screen brightness turned all the way down low which is what made her so undetectable. Reaching a hand towards the light switch, the stranger switched the white button over to the otherside, revealing the crime scene. Rainbow analysed the girl, trying to figure out who she was, maybe she was in the grade below, maybe someone that's never been in any of her classes. It would be better of if this girl had never heard the names Rainbow Dash or Applejack Apples before, to make it less embarrassing, yet that thought was crushed once she spoke. 

"Did you seriously not see me?" 

Applejack first felt guilt as she stared directly at her, her hunched over posture and baggy dull coloured clothing definitely didn't stop her from fading into the background, the light green walls of the room matching her skin tone. 

"I'm really sorry, we're really sorry. Our vision" Applejack hurriedly spat out in a desperate attempt to make it up to the free content this girl had the unfortunate luck to experience. 

"Ha, limited as in you staring at my lips the whole time?" Dash snarked but then had a better read of the room and apologised too as her joke fell flat. "Sorry...we didn't mean to intrude." 

"It's one really notices me anyway." The girl replied with slight passive aggression in her tone. 

AJ tried to make it better, "Well we notice you now, it's nice to meet you!" 

"You really don't know who I am?" 

"Uhhh..." Applejack drew out the sound, peeling her brain for any remembrance of this girls name. She looked over to Rainbow for help but she was just as confused and clueless as to who this initially invisible girl was.

The green girl let out a petty scoff and rolled her eyes. "We're in the same biology class?" She tried to hint towards AJ. "And I'm in your literature class?" She continued, turning to face Rainbow with an expression that was calling them idiots through glance. 

"I'm sorry, that's on me, I need to be more perceptive. Can we start over?" AJ tried to fix, her inner people-pleasing tendencies emerging, clawing at any loose threads that could make this girl dislike her less. 

"Ugh...I'm Wallflower. Wallflower Blush." She answered, sighing as she shared her name, the name ironically an indication of her existing nature. 

"Well it's mighty nice to meet you Wallflower." Applejack kindly greeted, trying to send a warm smile to her while softly nudging Dash with her hand to get her to say something nice too. With a stutter, she conceived something. 

"Yea-...yeah! I'll look out for you in lit later today, maybe we can revise together you know, quiz our knowledge?" Rainbow suggested but then was surprised with herself at her out of character willingness to not do something independently. This girl gave off strange vibes and she did not want to mess with it, it was causing her to be overly cautious in her word choice. 

"I study alone." Wallflower refused, the paradigm dismissal receiving a silent relief from Dash.

The negative attitude from the introverted girl raised awkwardness between them, the silent pauses before her responses felt like greater time had passed than the few seconds it genuinely lasted. Desperate to just leave as their attempts to revive the classrooms environment were failing drastically, AJ simply turned around and grabbed Rainbow by the wrist. 

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