chapter 51

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Applejack didn't hear from Rainbow the next morning. No good morning texts like they'd normally exchange. It was the morning of the games and all the students hard weeks of preparation were finally going to proven worth it or not. Despite Dash's hangover she was sure to have this morning, she was hoping she'd still manage to pull her own sorry ass out of bed and make its way to school so she can participate. While the irresponsible choices may not mean she's bringing her A-game, Applejack picks how she's still damn talented even when she's not at her prime, reminiscing to how she could clear a game in her sleep.

Making her way inside the school, she found her friends by their cumulated lockers conversing about the events and the hill mounds they manage to catch a glimpse of while passing the field despite the oaken securities attempts to keep them away.

"They've never done anything that involves remoulding the field before, I wonder what they're doing with that.

"It looked like monster truck fight level stuff."

"Hey Applejack, what do you think the events will be?" Rarity questioned when she saw her arrive. With a simple shrug in response and a short "No clue but it's definitely going to make us sweat," she tried to focus her mind on anything else but the fact that neither Fluttershy or Rainbow were there yet. Her stupid conscience jumping to conclusions from tame to blown way out of proportion scenarios.

She decided to not think about it too much and just get on with the day, the most important events being beating Crystal Prep, not focusing on her girlfriends loyalty.

(my lazy ass didn't want to write the whole events thing so here's a time skip for u ladies and gentlecolts, just imagine theyve been having small arguments then and again between the events) (i included the small appledash moment after dash saves sunset and twi sucks the magic outta her)

Something happened to Dash. As if a dementor to its tortured prey, the device Twilight kept slinging around her neck sucked the life out of her, the aura of her magic was stripped away like the outer candy shell of a chocolate dissolving. She watched as her girl tumbled to the floor despite attempting to hold her own and keep herself standing, yet whatever technology this new Twi used on her left her weak. For the split second she saw her in pain and unable to help herself, she went to her by instinct even thought she was still frustrated. Her head and heart speaking different languages to eachother in a failed discussion, her emotions led her to reaching her hands out to soften the girls fall, slowly bringing her down as her body was travelling. She could identify Sunsets mean girl attitude coming out and being brought down on the Prep student, a lecture that seemed like bottled up emotions being unleashing upon her about the consequences of her actions and how it affected her friends. She did try to listen, she really did, yet her heart combined with an immediate saviour mentality caused her to stay with Rainbow on the ground until she was stable enough to stand.

"Thanks AJ..." Rainbow muttered under her breath when feeling the strong grip around her waist and upper arms, supporting her in her fading vision and useless limbs. Applejack didn't reply, her head preventing her from speaking to the girl she was arguing with, forcing her actions to speak louder. When she no longer felt like a collapsed mess, she leaned on AJ for support and stood up, hands not leaving the girls shoulders just incase she overestimated her abilities to independent function. Fluttershy soon came over to replace Applejack, also offering assistance who AJ willingly passed Dash over to, not fully ready to talk to her about her interesting choices last night.

"Let me help you Dashie."


The whole messed up Midnight Sparkle lightshow was over and students were slowly recovering from yet another life threatening event their school, its astounding most haven't transferred yet. With students milling around in the parking lot, finding their cars and hoping they hadn't been pulled into a distant pony world throughout the fiasco, it was laughable how they all seemed so relaxed about everything that had happened. To Canterlot High students, it was just another day. On the other hand, Crystal Prep had some own issues they had to work out for their students well-being. Thankfully, their other Twilight Sparkle was to be saved from those academic obsessed energy vampires and was going to join Canterlot instead, the extent to which she was saved was debatable as to the identified pattern that this is not their last encounter with dark sorcery.

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