chapter 22

880 22 42

"Hey Rare!" AJ calls to their friend who's sitting at a table with three empty seats. Looking up and noticing Applejack and Rainbow enter the cafe together she smiled and stood up to go greet them.

"Applejack darling! I'm so glad you could make it, you too Dash." She acknowledged. Her slight dismissal of Rainbow was not careless or meant to be hurtful, she was stuck in a world of her own, focusing on the girl she had initially invited and wanted to see. She reached her arms around the two and formed a group hug, gripping AJ a little bit tighter than Rainbow subconsciously. Proceeding to motion the girls towards their table, they sat, Rarity opposite AJ with Rainbow sliding herself next to her and visibly inching the chair closer to the cowgirl.

"I know you want the Apple Pumpkin Spice Latte AJ, what about you Rainbow?" Rarity asked innocently, tilting her head to the side awaiting an answer.

Rainbow was disappointed she wasn't getting the day with AJ, just the two of them, but she supposed she might as well enjoy their time together nonetheless. "I'll just get the same thing Rare." She replied, stretching back in her chair and wrapping an arm around the back of the seat.

AJ could see Dash's posture change and couldn't help but find it attractive, her leaning back like that, she couldn't help but smirk with a rising excited warmth in her chest. Her attraction was interrupted by Rarity starting a conversation. 

"So darlings, how do you feel after last night?" Rarity questioned in a concerned tone, linking her hands and resting her head on them. Applejack and Rainbow looked at each other as if silently asking who would reply first.

"I'm feeling okay, it was scary to think about at first but I know we're safe now that Twi took the crown back to Equestria." Applejack spoke without calamity, confidently soothing over the rough topic.

Dash's reply followed, "I wasn't scared at all of course." She said boastfully, which received an eye roll from AJ. She continued with, "I'm sure with friends like us, Sunset will turn out just fine."

Rarity nodded. "Yes I was a bit cautious of her after the incident, I don't know how long it'll take for me to feel safer around her but if anyone can help her, it's us." She added, eyes shifting downwards when sharing her fears. In comfort, Applejack slid a hand across the table to rest on the girl's wrist and gave it a light squeeze which while making Rarity feel better, raised slight jealousy in Rainbow.

"It's okay Rare, you don't have to forgive her immediately, she's done a lot of damage to all of us and our friendships. We'll be here for as long as you need." Applejack said empathetically as Rarity stared into her eyes with gratitude and something else Rainbow couldn't quite place. Dash's eyes narrowed towards AJ, suspicious as to why she has suddenly gained the skills to comfort and why they are now apparent for Rarity but weren't for her when they were together. Trying to not let emotions get the best of her as they were in public, she brushed it off as maybe Applejack had just grown as a person since they were together. Saved by the waiter, a warm orange-haired individual came up and started placing down three mugs of similar styles but different colours.

"Three Apple Pumpkin Spice Latte's." She stated with a welcoming smile on her face as she slid a green mug in front of Applejack.

"Thank you dear." Rarity led, followed by repeated thanks from AJ and Dash.

The girls drank their lattes with hints of chatter back and forth for some time, growing closeness between AJ and Rarity with Rainbow remaining silent for the duration of a few topics. Rainbow began to lose interest in some boring conversations and drifted off into her own thoughts, at some points examining the cafe's decor, and at others imagining her and Applejack in different scenarios together, wishing she was living them out. Her long-gone attention was pulled back into reality when she took notice of the girls leaning in closer to each other as they continued to converse. Their conversations had turned from broad to more intimate and Dash did not like it.

"Oh, darling I've been meaning to ask what your love language is! I'm trying to figure out what to get you for your birthday present this y-." Rarity's sentence cut off as her eyes shifted from Applejack's eyes to her shirt. Rainbow cautiously glanced downwards too in attempt to discover where her attention had moved to. "One of your buttons is undone, let me help you." Rarity offered while eagerly reaching across the table and closing the gap formed in AJ's shirt. Dash looked in alarm as her hands came so close to the area only she had ever gotten to touch. Jealously began to flame up as Rarity's fingers lingered, softly brushing the skin below 'accidentally.' Applejack's eyes looked down at what Rarity was doing with slight concern at first but then her expression relaxed. Rainbow felt uncomfortable as if she was interrupting an intimate moment, an intimate moment that only she and Applejack should be having.

AJ raised her eyes to meet Rarity's that had raised from the button they were previously fixated on, admiring the blue hues that were now so close to her. Her second of distraction was clear but her judgement told her to look away and instead meet the magenta eyes of the girl next to her who looked distraught. Applejack didn't want to admit anything too soon, but it seemed she wasn't as committed as Rainbow seemingly was. Thoughts of not properly stating her and Rainbow's status flashed through her mind in a poor attempt to contradict the disloyalty of her conscience, yet it was undeniable. She stupidly had a certain feeling for two people. 

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