chapter 49

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She had definitely had more than one drink. 

Despite the promise she made floating amongst her mind, the heavy atmosphere of pressure to uphold her reputation with her friends triumphed. Whilst she had not necessarily been outsourcing the drinks herself, which she somehow negotiated made it any better, others were shoving shot glasses into her empty hands, filling them up when they were downed. Telling herself she wasn't totally out of control, she tried to hold personal accountability, 'no one is forcing you to do this,' 'you broke this promise by choice.' Yet, Rainbow kept managing to blame it on her friends, as it was indeed partially their fault. Being the bad influences they were known for, bottles were drained and noise complaints were presumed. Dash didn't know how much time had passed since she first lifted the cup to her awaiting lips, the strength of the concoction hitting her sinus like alcoholic wasabi, the sensation making her feel elevated and terribly admirable. With a cheer in succession coming from her friends, she felt affirmed as if she had never left them in the first place, like her connections with them still remained. Pulling at the strings left of her relationships with everyone in the room, she assembled a ball of yarn that withinheld any feelings of isolation or distance. Not wanting to let go of this closeness, she kept drinking, the thing that kept her 'fun' in her friends and teammates eyes. Hence, cup after cup, shot after shot, went straight into her system, stressing her organs, she let herself become consumed by this societal game. 

By the time people had started to black out, couples dogpiled on the couch, friends leaning against tables for stability, Dash knew the party was starting to wind down and she'd soon have to join the passed out if she didn't use some autonomy. Drunken laughs were shared between her and Soarin as well as two other members of their track and field team, the group making their way to a wall and sliding down, hitting the floor faster than their eyes perceived. Letting Soarin lightly rest on her shoulder, she tried to force stability of mind and sight, the room's contortion slowly returning to normal. Looking down at her friends closed eyes, she took out her phone from her side pocket and opened her messaging app, contacting the first person she thought of to help save her from sleeping on the hard floor. 






Hey Fluttershy. What do you mean drunk? She promised me she wouldn't drink tonight


i'm sure she has a good explanation waiting for us

whats the address


32 Crescent Road, is it okay if I join you? I want to make sure she's okay.


of course applejack, ur a good friend for looking out for her


I just hope she's okay. 


'Friend,' stung as the word was read in Fluttershys voice in her head. Does the girl truly not think anything is going on between them? After the incident with the Dazzlings, she assumed all their friends knew they were growing closer again. Maybe not to everyone...



How about I come by your house and pick you up before going to Soarin's?


okay see you soon jackie 


Applejack couldn't help but feel warmed by the nickname Fluttershy had given her years ago that she rarely used since they distanced after the Sunset incident. The resurfacing of it brought about warmer memories of the time they would spend together, Applejack cutting firewood for the oven while Fluttershy sliced apples to put into their apple pie, AJ delivering the 'imperfect' zapapples for Fluttershy to feed to her pets, their shared love of documentaries about nature, the only two in the group who would sit through it and be intrigued. Their friendship would realistically seem impossible but together they work in more harmony than they initially come across to be. Any ill thoughts of her that AJ may have had, involving the sweet girls meddling in her relationship, were squandered. The girl was truly innocent and kind, her heart was in the right place. While she may be clueless about the actuality of the situation, she did not mean any harm. She is just a girl who likes another girl. AJ is no stranger to that. If anything were to happen between the two, it would not be Fluttershy to blame, it would be Dash. Not like she has much of a stance on this topic anyway though.

Decidedly pulling a large size denim jacket over her shoulders, she left the house and made her way to her truck, the time reading early hours of morning. As she slid her key's into the slot she twisted the copper until she heard the satisfying click and simple jangled of the keychain. The engine awoke and she was ready to go, the shoes she grabbed in a rush out the door pressing against the right pedal as she let her muscle memory guide her to Fluttershy's home on the edge of the forest not too far from here.  


"It's so early in the morning, do their parties normally end this late?" Fluttershy inquires as they make their way to the destination, her hands brushing through her hair furiously trying to tame the bedhead.

"With them sports people? Always." AJ grumbles as she reflects on past events. From the corner of her eye she takes notice of the girls unusual apperance, as if no effort was put into her garments, similar to Applejack's attire. 

"Did you just roll out of bed when Dash texted you?" She asked, twisting her head slightly to look at the girl before bringing her attention back to the dark road ahead of them, noticing a dark grey car drive pass.

Fluttershy let out a petite breath as if caught. "As soon as she asked me to pick her up, I texted you and pulled on the first thing I could find. I'd rather prioritise her state than what I look like." 

Applejack heard what the girl was explaining, the clear romantic illusion identified. "You really care about her don't you?"

"Of course I do Jackie, she's my best friend."

A smile was exchanged in response, AJ's heart warmed to hear there are people that care about Rainbow the same way she does, even if that may pose a miniscule threat. The mention of a potential friendzone made AJ feel a slight comfort, a pondering of maybe she's wrong and overthought the situation, however, following events would prove otherwise. Fluttershy was shifting in the passengers seat as if encouraging herself to muster up a question, hence Applejack gave her a push. 

"DId you want to say something Fluttershy?" 

A pause. A deep breath taken in. Hands plucking at twine sticking out from pants. Crossing of the arms. The girl seemed almost scared to ask. 


"Yes sugarcube?" 

"Are you and Rainbow" 

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