chapter 16

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The definition of dancing was very different to both girls. Rainbow Dash was performing a more intense break-dancing sequence while Applejack was almost galloping through a step dance routine she probably had to learn as a kid growing up on the farm. As they continue to try out do each other, they began to get tired and the people around them payed less attention to what they were doing as it had been going on for too long. The song playing suited neither of their styles but they kept at it, hoping one would give out eventually and they could rest. It was no longer a test of dance skills, but now a test of stamina. Sweat was breaking out and muscles were aching, but one thing about their competitiveness together, both a good and bad aspect of their relationship, was that neither of them knew when to stop. Music seeming like it was going on forever, they slowly started to consider forfeiting, dancing is supposed to be fun, not fatiguing. Before either of them could sacrifice their ego and admit defeat, Twilight stepped in and called the dance off, politely but sternly lecturing them that their friendship is more than a silly rivalry and that they should stop for the sake of themselves and anyone else who has been waiting for the battle to end. Acknowledging this and silently grateful she said something, Dash and AJ let out a breathy laugh and nodded. 

"I am so thirsty after all that." Dash exclaimed with the little energy she had remaining. Seeing her work here was done, Twilight left them alone and resumed conversation with the other members of their group. 

"Me too, its pretty hard to carry the weight of being the best dancer here." Applejack joked, ironically knowing she probably could not have lasted too much longer. 

"Oh AJ, you wish you were as awesome as me." Rainbow replied, pointing her thumb at herself, trying to contain the shakiness in her legs from the flipping and sharp movements in her improvised routine. 

"Lets just go get some cider and forget the competition, I reckon we've had enough dancing for tonight." AJ stated, slighting hinting at her tiredness. Nodding in agreement the girls walk over to the table stacked with cider bottles and grab one each. Being surrounded by cider daily, AJ cracked the lid open with ease by biting down on the metal and spitting it out into her hand, taking a long swig of the carbonated drink, feeling the fizzy hydration refill the water she lost through sweat. Rainbow stared in amazement. She had no idea why that was so attractive. It's not the hardest thing in the world to open a bottle, but the way she did it, something about it made her feel the same way she did all those years ago when she first met AJ, carrying two cafeteria tables across the lunchroom as if they weighed nothing. Feelings she somewhat tried to ignore were resurfacing, and this one stupid action was the reason why. 

Applejack noticed her silent gaping and smirked which only put Dash into more of an obsessive trance. Reading her body language, AJ slowly took hold of Rainbows cider, unopened, and repeated when she did with hers before passing it back. "Here you go sugarcube, I see you still think I'm hot huh?" She blurted out before she could stop herself, she isn't normally a tease, but as her past actions have proved, Rainbow has an effect on her that no one else does. Dash slowly took a large sip of the cider, a small droplet trickling down her chin as she maintained eye contact with AJ trying to come up with something to fire back, but her brain was mushed with gooey submissive thoughts as if all her senses had perished. Applejack raised her hand and wiped the cider off her dance partner's chin, hand lingering for a split second as memories of their first kiss flashed past her mind. 


It was a cold winter afternoon after Rainbow had finished one of her many soccer games in which she had scored the winning goal. Celebratory shouts and praise rained down the stands from all directions upon the valuable player which Dash willingly soaked up, yet the only one she'd look at was AJ. Their eyes met and Applejack clapped louder and let out a whoop followed by blowing a kiss in her direction which brought a warm smile to Dash's face, contradicting the shiver the rest of her body was experiencing. They met just outside the field as people began to filter out of the school and drive back to the warm home awaiting them, however, the girls stayed and soon the numbers of people surrounding them were minimal. "You were amazing Dash, as always." Applejack complimented with an impressed blush rising. This was responded to with a rare humble comment, "Thanks AJ, but it was really a team effort." AJ softly took Dash's cold hands into hers and whispered, "Well I wouldn't know that because I was looking at you the whole time sugarcube." 

Rainbow smiled and looked up into her green eyes, almost melting away any cold she was feeling. As if reading her mind AJ snapped out of the loving trance, "You must be freezing, here take my jacket, I'm plenty warm." She swiftly removed her thick green jacket and wrapped it around Rainbows shoulders whom responded by pulling it around her tighter. She looked so adorable all wrapped up in her clothes. They had only been dating for a few days, but the way she felt for her made it seem like they'd been together months. She knew it could be too early to risk it, but as her eyes flickered between Rainbow Dash's eyes and lips, she wanted nothing more than to feel the way their lips would connect like the puzzle piece she'd been missing. Raising her hand and lifting up her chin, she carefully lowered her gaze and moved closer as if asking for permission to continue. Rainbow showed no hesitation and wrapped her arms around Applejack, caressing her upper back, prepared to pull her closer. As they both leaned in, their lips touched and it felt as if the rest of the world had disappeared. It was just them, and it was perfect. 


As if Rainbow also remembered the same thing, they inched away from eachother and Applejacks hand dropped to her side. The silence wasn't awkward, but it wasn't comfortable either. They unanimously made their way over to the bleachers that had been pushed to the sides of the gym and sat together, leaving space in between them, and drank their ciders. 

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