Again Jovenshire?

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Everyone was having fun. Except Jovenshire. He couldn't. He didn't know why. It made it hard. He was still sad after the previous break up with Erin, and he was practically broke. It was BYO liquor, and how he wished it wasn't.

Ian was talking to Destiny, and Joven looked up. Not even he knew why. And there she was, the most prettiest girl he'd ever seen.

Joven POV
I looked over and saw Destiny. She looked amazing. The batman symbol on her dress sparkled. I was speechless. I couldn't be falling in love again, I thought. Not after only a month of having broken up with the girl of my dreams. Ian walked off and she was texting someone in the corner.

Now, I thought, Now! I went up to her. "Hi!" She said, seeming to get the hint that I wanted to talk to her. "I'm" she stopped me. "Jovenshire. I know. I watch Smosh Games."She replied, and had that awkward smile on that adorable face of hers.

The next hour was just us talking. She got called over to the present table by Joey, and as she was leaving, she said: "Oh yeah, I forgot, you're my favourite games crew member."

Me?! I thought, and I must have had that look on my face, because Flitz came up to me, kinda worried, but knowing what was going on. "Sooo, who's the next one?" He asked.

"We're just friends, man chill!" Geez, sorry for invading on your love life."
David (Lasercorn) looked over. Oh no, I thought, HE heard? "What's this about love life?" He asked grinning. I gave Flitz that: I'll use my samurai sword on you when I get the chance death stare.

I walked off, and wished the night was over. By the time 11pm rolled by, everyone had gone, and we had finished cleaning, but there was one thing left to do. OPEN PRESENTS!

With so many presents to go through and open, I knew the next hour, at least, would be opening presents. I was so tired, but I was happy to be here with her. I wouldn't care if I never went home. As long as Destiny was here.

She got things ranging from ITunes gift cards to expensive makeup and clothes.
But last was Ian and Anthony's gift.
"This one's heavy." She smiled. "And it's double wrapped!"

She carefully unwrapped the first layer, and Anthony ended up tearing off the last bit. The biggest smile hit her face. For her 25th birthday she got a MacBook Pro Air.

A delighted squeal left her mouth. "OHMIGOSH!" "Are you guys serious?!" "Yep!" Anthony replied, and started making her a Decaf Latte. She couldn't stop saying: OHMIGOSH OHMIGOSH! She was in complete shock.

"There's a camera filming this, right?" "This is fake, right?" "Open the box, and see." Ian piped up.

Destiny's POV
A MacBook? R U serious? I opened the box, and it was real! It was set up and everything. I started to cry. 😭 Again. But I couldn't hold it in. This was amazing.

A Decaf Latte and a few tissues later, and I was back to normal. I hugged Ian and Anthony and the Games crew. Thanks for everything. I whispered and they hugged me tighter. Everyone started to head home.

"Joven!" I called out and he stopped. "Yeah?" "Take this." "Ok, thanks."
I hope he saw it.

Third person POV
Jovenshire went back to his apartment. He got paid extra this week for doing heaps of punishments every day. He got changed into his pyjamas and started to eat a proper meal. The piece of paper had fallen out of his pants pocket and landed on his kitchen floor.

He picked it up and started to read it. It was Destiny's number with a little note on the end of it. It read:
Call me sometime! Everyone knew you were trying to hit on me. Lol.
Love, Destiny. xoxo

"She could tell?" I said out loud.
I heard my doorbell ringing. I answered the door and everyone, even Ian and Anthony, were there. Except Destiny. "Where's Destiny?" I asked Sohinki. "She wanted to sleep." "Why?"
"Do you miss your new girlfriend already?" He joked.

I gave him a confused look, but yes, I did miss her. "Tonight was cuh-razy! Mari said, flopping down on Joven's couch. "Talk about it!" Wes sighed.

They got pizza and everyone else watched Mari, Joven and Sohinki play Minecraft. Everyone drifted off to sleep on Jovenshire's couches. He went to bed, and the pizza, well, was in everyone's stomaches.

End of chapter.

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