Beautiful Beaches of Sydney

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"Gate 206 to Sydney now open." Came over the speaker. We had gotten there earlier than normal, and we had gotten a coffee. "Come on, we can go to the beach!" "Coming!"

"I must be the luckiest man alive." Joven thought. They got on the plane.
"How does she have that much energy?" He thought, as he was walking up the plane aisle, and she was bouncing up and down as she was calling, " come on!"

Destiny POV
Poor Joven was absolutely exhausted. He slept the whole twelve hours. Am I too high energy for him? Honestly, I'm exhausted myself, but I still have energy. Maybe we should just have a day of sleeping or just being with each other.

He woke up about ten minutes before we landed. "Maybe we should just have a day to ourselves." "So we can sleep or whatever." "Sure." He was really tired.

"Have you been having your meal replacers lately?" I asked him, and he sluggishly replied, "Well, no. Now that I think about it, not at all for a month."

"Have one when we get to our room."

Third person POV
They got off the plane and headed straight to their room. He made one straight away, and after about 20 minutes, he was practically high on it.

He still slept anyway, and she slept along him, and you couldn't have seen anything more cuter that that. They woke up the next morning. "It's the next morning!" She laughed to a sluggish Joven. He smiled.

They had breakfast and their protein drinks and sat back on their bed, satisfied.

"We could go the beach today!" She said, half bouncing off the bed. "Well, let's go!" They went to he closest beach they could find, and it was beautiful. It was a little cove, with the deepest water only waist height, and it was warm. It was surrounded by sandstone, covering it from the outside world.

They spent the few hours there, just swimming and tanning. They went to the Lindt cafe after a while to get some drinks. "To think, this place was attacked by terrorists a year ago."

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