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Joven POV
She did eventually open up about it, but it was because someone asked her about school. "This lasted for a month?!" Mari said and fell back in her seat. "Hey, it's not your fault." "I know, but for a month? That's how you've been going to school."

"So?" "So?!" "Mari, chill. She did nothing wrong." "She did nothing wrong!" She ran away, and despite my best efforts, she wouldn't come out.

Hope POV
I'm not wanted. I knew it. I've wanted to end it for a while, but not now. Not when everything was the best it could get. Joven kept banging on my door, but I didn't let him in. After a while he gave up, but I didn't. I heard everyone had gone to bed, so I wrote a note to everyone.

I'm sorry but I see no reason to live. I was born at the wrong time, and in he wrong place. Tell Mari it wasn't her fault, it's understandable that she flipped, who wouldn't? This world has no place for me. I've realised how full of sin it is. How it has no place for me to take its space. I'm sorry Joven and Destiny, I know you are finally happy, but I'm not. Please don't substitute that
happiness for my death. Love, Hope.

I went into the kitchen and got a knife and just cut. Cut until I couldn't. Until I was dead.

Destiny POV
Where's Hope? She's usually the first one up. Everyone came over and she wasn't up. We were going to do a Game Bang with her and she was really excited. I opened her door.

Blood everywhere. A bloody knife was laying on the dresser, and her face was pale. I screamed. That's all that would come out. They came running. I fell to my knees and sobbed.

Mari POV
Destiny screamed and I never hear her scream. We get up and run to Hope's room. Hope killed herself. And it's all my fault. I started to cry. She got up and read the note on the bedside table.

Hope told me not to blame it on myself. How could I not? Joven came in, he'd been at the HQ all night. "Hey guys, what's no." "No no no Hope!" He ran into her room, shaking her, tears forming on his face. His little girl was gone.

He looked at the note, and just sighed. "I'm sorry, I could've done more, I'm so sorry." Destiny said as she lifted the covers from which she lied. "Hey look at me. It's not your fault, it's not my fault, it's not Mari's fault, it's her choice to do this, I just wish she hadn't." He said as he hugged her. The tears were streaming down his face but he was still strong.

"What's up with the calmness?" Laser corn said and they looked at him. "Hope taught me something. You know, she fought through everything, and she still just cried and moved on. When she got abused, when she was bullied, she acted like it never happened. She was a strong little girl. She also taught me that you never give up. No matter what she went through, she always believed it would get better." Joven said and everyone stared.

"This is something we need to alert people about ASAP." Destiny said and went into the kitchen and called the police. "My adopted daughter commited suicide." She said and hung up.

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