That fateful night

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Destiny's POV
We headed home after an exhausting day. After they opened everything, they went to the HQ and did a Game Bang, a Lunchtime with Smosh Games and a Why We're Single. We went home and had a few drinks and somehow things got heated. Like REALLY heated.

"Joven, sweetie, I'm pregnant." I said quietly, but he still heard. My heart stopped and he looked at me. He sighed. He was speechless. "Don't tell anyone until they ask." He finally said. "Do you feel alright enough to come to the HQ?" He said, hugging me from behind. I swallowed my pride. "Yeah, I'm fine."

6 months later
Morning sickness. My only weakness. "Joven, I said painfully, "I can't." I writhed in pain. "That's fine." "If they ask, I'll tell them." "Do you want a heat pack or something?" "No." The pain in my voice broke it. It stung.

The pain in its purest form. "Maybe I should stay home." He said, concerned. I felt like vomiting wherever I could put my head. "I'm staying home." He sat down next to me and hugged me. I started crying. "Remember it's all over soon." He said, and I'll admit, I did calm down a bit.

A new wave of pain. It felt like something inside me had died and brought hell to it. The morning passed and I felt better. Joven unwilling went into work, and I drove myself to the ultrasound I had today.

"Mrs Ovenshire, we have some news." Did you experience extreme pain this morning?" "Yes, why?" "Your baby was dying." "We need to do surgery to remove it immediately." They called my baby a 'it'. I went through surgery, and had to stay at the hospital for a while after it.

3 hours later
I got a phone call from Josh. "Hey, where are you?" "At the hospital." "Why?" "You know how I was having that episode this morning?" "Yeah?" "That 'episode' was our baby dying."
The phone fell silent. "Are you serious?" "Yes Joven." "They did surgery on me to remove it and they asked me to stay here." "I can go in half an hour." I heard him say over the phone to everyone: "Well, that's the end of ever being a father."

Ian picked up the phone. "Destiny, what happened?!" The panic in his voice was making it squeak. "I'm putting you on speaker." I explained everything and I knew the camera was rolling. "Destiny, Mari called out, are you alright?" I was crying, and my sobs were loud enough for them to hear.

Back at the HQ
Everyone stared at each other. The room was silent for what seemed like hours. "I" Anthony started, but he couldn't finish. She had hung up on them. 10 minutes ago. The camera man had stopped the camera. "Everyone go home." Ian said. "Please no one go to Joven's apartment."

He'd said that so long ago, when everyone was laughing about Joven having a miscarriage on a food baby. Everyone packed up their things and just left. No one said anything to anyone, just pure silence.

At the hospital
Joven got there in time for the doctor to brief us. He brought us into a room.
We did an autopsy and found numerous things wrong." "Did you drink umm whisky or something when the baby was an embryo?" "Yes." I said looking around me to make sure no one else was listening.

"It had alcohol poisoning and it was developed properly." "It wouldn't have
lived anyway." A single tear formed on Joven's eye. "We're extremely sorry for the loss."

And with that, we were kicked out. We walked out together, and I'm surprised neither of us cried or even talked.

When we got back, all we did was cry. Watching Netflix whilst eating dinner. Crying. Showering. Crying. We didn't go to work for a while. I went to Starbucks, and that helped. Being around my co workers who were ready to support me. Josh went to the HQ and that helped him as well.

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