My Hometown

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We were walking down the airport hallway. We got to our hotel, and the sun was setting. We put our things down and headed to the Melbourne Star, a working replica of the London Eye.

"It goes for an hour?!" Joven exclaimed. "Yep!" It was dark now, and we stepped into a booth. "It's beautiful." Joven said, looking into my eyes. "Just like you." He said, and our lips touched, and he pulled me closer.
"I will never regret marrying you."

So this is love. I thought. This is real love. For the rest of it, we just looked at view in each other's arms.

It ended, and I kinda sad. It was 9, and both of us were exhausted. "Let's head back." We headed down the corridor, only to be stopped. It was one of my old friends.

"Destiny?" "Hope?" I ran up to her. "What are you doing here?" "I'm married now!" "Are you serious?" "Yeah!" We hugged. "Remember when you used to say that you thought you'd never get married?" "Yeah, if only I could back in time and tell myself I would get married to one of my favourite Youtubers!" "Wow." "It's been so long!" "I have to go." I looked over. She had a husband as well. "Bye!" "Been great seeing you!"

I ran back to Joven. "Why did you think you'd never get married?" "Well, I was bullied and rejected and basically, you name it, it was done to me." "Oh." "Don't worry about it, I only cut a few times." I joked, but I really did cut myself. I ended up drifting off about ten minutes after Joven did.

The next few days were just sightseeing, going to things like the Eureka Skydeck and I took him to the Australian equivalent of Starbucks, Hudson's Coffee.

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