A shaky new start

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We headed to the HQ. "So have you talked to any of them?" I asked. "Yeah, they trust me a bit." "Cool." I smiled.
We got there and they were making meat sushi again. "Again?!" I asked and they laughed. Mari was rolling the sushi and to be honest, it smelt so good.

"Try some." Lasercorn offered me a piece. "I'm scared." I joked and took a bite. "Not bad." I said, honestly surprised. "See?" Lasercorn said to Sohinki who wouldn't ingest the meatshi.

"It sounds horrible with the name Meatshi." "Never judge a book by its cover." Me and Joven said at the exact same time. Mari just looked at us and said "It was so in time it's just sad." Everyone laughed and me and Joven looked at each other and laughed.

"It's too strong!" Sohinki sarcastically said and started fake dying. Joven rolled his eyes and I was holding back fits of laughter.

Joven POV
Where did I go wrong with friends? I laughed and everyone looked at me weird. "What?" Everyone kept looking.
Something jumped on my back and I nearly did a 360. "Destiny!" I yelled as she was I swear dying of laughter on my back. "What?" She said as I was trying to pry her arms from my shoulders.

I walked off smiling, her still on my back. "Wait, where are you going?" "Umm, nowhere." "You're walking, you're going somewhere." Everyone started to follow, including the camera man. "To Narnia!" I yelled as we went into the back room. "Yay, Narnia ho!" She yelled and I opened the door and locked it. "I'll get in the suit and you go out and act like I left."

"Why in the world?" "Just do it, you'll see." She left and complete silence and darkness took her place.

She lead the guys in and explained that I left. "What a horrible husband." Mari said and I didn't even think. I snuck up behind her and jumped on her. "OHMIGOSH Lasercorn!" Lasercorn walked in. "That's not Lasercorn." He said and Mari went up to me. She started staring at me and I just ran. I didn't know what else I could do.

"After the bunny!" I heard someone say and I dashed into the break room in time for them not to see me. I abandoned the bunny suit and put it back in the back room successfully.

Mari came out of nowhere as I walking in the hall. She came up to me and asked if I knew who the guy in the bunny suit was. "It was Wes." I said lying through my teeth. She could tell.
"It was you wasn't it?" "Yeah, so what?"

"You jumped on my back!" She lunged forward and I caught her. "Crap, forgot you work out!" I put her down and she looked at me. "I'll get revenge!" "Have fun trying!" I teased and she fake laughed. "Watch your back Ovenshire."
"Which one?" "You. Mainly." "Bye Mari." "Bye." She muttered something else.

The Smosh Orphan (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now