In N Out Burger

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(Hey guys, that picture is a colleague of the new family that I made myself.)

Auntie Mari! Uncle Ian!" She shook then quite violently for a 7 year old. "Ugnnhhh." Mari turned over to face Hope. "Time to get up!" She said cheerfully and went over to Ian. "Uncle Ian!" She shook him and he to rolled over. "Hey girl, what's up?" "Time to get up!" She said. "Can you tell everyone else?" "Sure sweetie."

Hope POV
I could tell they were being careful around me, but I trust them not to hurt me. Oh well, let them have their fun.
Everyone went home about 9 and Joven told Destiny something as soon as they left. "Should we tell her?" I heard Joven say and my hopes rose but I got a bit scared.

"Hope, can you come here for a second?" Destiny called out and I ran there, hoping for the best. Even though it never really has been. "Do you want to meet your grandma?" Destiny asked me. Better than I thought it was going to be. "So dad's mom, right?" "You guessed it!" Joven said as he picked me up.

"Can't wait." I said politely as possible and they looked at each other and kissed. I'm glad they found each other, it's like a match made in heaven.
"Well, in that case, let's get ready!" Destiny said, taking me out of Joven's arms. She ran into the kitchen and placed me on the bench and got out her MacBook.

"What's a good dish for dinner?" She asked me and I didn't honestly know what to say. "Well, what does she like?" "Joven's mom?" "Yeah." "Jovey, what does your mom like for dinner?" He walked out. "Umm, she's always liked roasts." "My speciality!" She said and started to put a shopping list together.

"I'm gonna go to work." He said and kissed Destiny goodbye. "Bye little one." He said to me and picked me up into a hug. "Love you." "Love you too." He said and put me down. He got his car keys and left.

"Are you and Joven married?" I asked Destiny and for a while she didn't look up. She snapped out of whatever land she was in and looked at me. "Of course, why would he live with us?" "I don't know." "Why did you marry him?" "Because we both loved each other very much, and he'd already proven that he wouldn't leave me
for any girl, and he asked me, and I think even you'd agree, he's a sweetie pie."

I smiled. Joven wasn't as bad as everyone says he is. He's a great dad,
a good husband to Destiny, and a amazing friend all round. I'm glad he proposed to her. "Hope!" I looked at her. "Oh, I thought you started daydreaming." "No." "Ok, let's go shopping!"

We got the groceries and then some clothes for me, then we headed home. "Go and put the clothes on your bed and come out, I wanna show you something." I did exactly what she said
and she showed me how to prepare a roast. "Wanna go to In N Out Burger?" She said and I nodded.

"To the car!" She said, and when we got there, we got a surprise. The Crew was there, filming a Lunchtime w/ Smosh Games. "Should we scare them?" She asked me and I looked at her. "Of course!" We sneak up behind Lasercorn, who has just finished ordering his sandwich.

"Sleep with one eye open tonight." She whispered in a creepy voice directly in front of his ear.

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