Words can't describe you

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Joven POV
Today was the day I got to see Destiny again. It had been a week and that week was the second hardest week of my life. I had actually been in the police lockup for a majority of this week, but I got a day to go and apologise to Anthony. I knew Destiny and my dad would be proud and that's what has been keeping me going.

I woke up and rolled out of my bed and lazily made a few pancakes and a coffee and just watched some Netflix for a while.

Destiny POV
How do you explain to your best guy friend that your husband is coming over to his house which you're staying at? Ian has always been very protective of me when I need it, and I hope he doesn't love me.

I ended up not telling him, but he told me that a couple days ago Josh came in and actually apologised to Anthony.

The doorbell rang and I looked up. Who could it possibly be? Then I remembered. Joven. I ran to the door and opened it and didn't quite hug yet, we both agreed that we needed to be out of sight if we wanted to do this.

I got inside and shut the door and as soon as we did, we just hugged. I'd missed him so much and I knew he felt the same. "Thank you for doing this." He said and I pulled him closer to me and hugged him a bit tighter.

He released the tension from the hug and kissed my forehead and picked me up bridal style and took me to my room. "You're coming home with me." He said trimphantly and I smiled and started packing my things.

I got everything together and started walking out the door when Joven stopped me. "I just want you to know I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, I don't know what came over me." "Joven, don't be silly." I said, and I started kissing him. He still held hands somehow, and was surprising how much I actually missed him.

The door shot open and we were still making out. It was Anthony and Ian. Anthony had a gun and Ian, well was Ian and was prepared to take anyone who hurt me.

"No emergency then?" Anthony said and I nearly died. "No emergency you douche." I joked and went up and bro hugged him. I did the same with Ian and went back to Joven.

"So no gun?" Ian sighed sadly. "No gun, could you please make an effort to continue on with your life and not stand there like idiots staring into space?" "Umm, sorry." Ian said and rushed to his bedroom.

Anthony just followed him and we heard them laughing. "Let's get going!" Joven said and I didn't move. I don't know why. "If you're not going to come with me, then I'll make you." He said as he picked me up. Cute.

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