Canberra Nights

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We were on the plane to Canberra. To be honest, I kinda didn't want to leave Melbourne. But all it was a reminder into my horrible past.

"Now landing at Canberra International Airport." "Please fasten your seatbelts." "Yay!" I said sarcastically. "We can get off this death trap!" Joven just smiled. We landed and this airport was double the size of the Melbourne one. "Woah!" "I take back what I said about the Melbourne one." He laughed.

That day we visited Parliament House and Old Parliament House. "It's so quiet." Joven whispered. "Yeah, that's the purpose." "What a stupid purpose." I was trying not to laugh. "Joven!" I whispered, "Why do you do this to me?!" We both laughed.

We went to the hotel room and sat down. The sun was setting, and Joven was outside vlogging. I opened the sliding door and went outside. "Oh my gosh, it's freezing out here!" "Yeah, forgot to mention that." It is," he checked his phone, "currently 5 degrees." Well guys, that's all for today." "Byeeee!"

He went inside. "I was dying out there!" "Yeah, I could see the goosebumps on your skin." He got out his laptop and started editing. "Whatca editing?" "The Melbourne vlogs." They were uploading and he was sitting back.

"Do you want a coffee or something?" I asked him, he still looked so tired. "Yeah, that would be great." He went onto uploading today's one as well. By midnight, they were both uploaded, but Joven had fallen asleep. I took it off his lap, turned it off and plugged it in to the charger. I ended up falling asleep beside him.

The next day we went to a magic show that pretty much lasted all day. "No more magic?" I said. "Well, I can't promise that." "Not with you around."
He kissed me. We went to Scienceworks that day as well.

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