Daddy's girl

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Joven POV
Destiny went up the rest of the stairs and plopped Hope on the couch and I went over to the plasma and set up the Xbox and set it up. "What do you wanna play?" I asked her and she thought about it for a while then her face lit up. "Super Smash!" She said and she looked so happy.

"Here's your controller, what character do you want to be?" I asked, and once again she thought. "Princess Peach." She said and selected the character.

We played for a while, then Destiny came in with all the crew. "These guys wanna watch." She said and everyone sat down and placed bets on her winning every round. "Now if any of you do anything wrong to Hope, I will make sure you can't have kids!" Hope laughed and killed Donkey Kong.

"Hope, come over here, I wanna tell you something." Hope ran over and Destiny kneeled down. "Go easy on Joven sweetie, he's an old fart and can't play properly." She laughed and I acted like I was offended. Destiny smiled.

She got up and got Hope a Pop Top and left. "Hope, do you know what to do?" I asked her and she nodded. "I watch Smosh Smash so I know all the attacks and stuff." My jaw dropped.

"Are you serious?" "I don't joke, well most of the time, and it's like the best game ever, minus Legend Of Zelda!"

Hope POV
So, who's your favourite SG member?" Mari asked me, and I was stumped. Do I say Joven or not? "Umm, I can't choose." I said, hoping they wouldn't see through my lies.

"You're lying." Sohinki said and I might as well accept defeat. "So, who's your favourite?" Mari asked a second time,
and I couldn't help but blush. "Joven." I said and I saw his face light up and everyone looked at me. "What?" I said and Joven brofisted me. "I like this girl." He said and everyone, including me, laughed.

Joven lost again, but he didn't care. Was he happy to lose to me? "Third time in a row this 8 year old super smashed you Joven, pick up the pace!"
Lasercorn joked, and then Destiny burst through the door, biggest smile on her face. "It got accepted!" She half screamed and Joven got up and hugged her.

Everyone else did the same, and then she came up to me. "Welcome to the family little one!" She said and lifted me in a hug. "Does that mean that everyone is my auntie and uncle?" I whispered into her ear.

"Except Joven, he's like your father in a way." She whispered back into my ear, and I could feel the stares of the Games Crew on us. "So you're my mom now?" I said and she nodded. "In a way I guess." She shrugged. "But remember, I'm always your sister, and you can tell me anything. Joven as well. In fact anyone of these guys your little heart desires!" She said and pulled me into one last hug before letting me go.

"So I'm her father now?" Joven asked Destiny and she nodded. "You could say that." "I'm an uncle!" Wes said and hugged me. "Uncle Wes!" I said, hugging him back. I know now I belong. I have a family I can call my own. Finally.

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