It ends here.

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Hey, you alright?" Joven ran after me, and I wanted to tell him everything. I wanted to break down and cry right in front of him. But I didn't. "Well, today wasn't the best day." I said and he went in front of my door and stopped me from opening it.

A month later...
"What happened that day?" He asked, concern filling his voice. "A kid might be bullying me in the future." I said, my voice breaking. I couldn't hold it in anymore. The tears started flowing, but they were silent. Like that was going to help me. I fell to the floor, not caring where I landed.

He crouched down to my height and Destiny ran in. "Hope, what happened?!" She said and looked at Joven. "She's being bullied at school." He said and Destiny hugged me. "Tell us everything." She said and all that came out was an assortment of noises.

"Hold on, calm down first." Joven said and ran to get something. My lifesaver,
a glass of water. "Thanks dad." I said and took a sip. "Well, he keeps pushing me over and calling me stuff." I could
see Joven's rage meter quickly approaching full.

"She's not being physically bullied as long as I'm around." He said, and got up. "Please don't do anything stupid." She said to Joven as he walked into the kitchen, looking for the school's number.

"Tomorrow is the day justice is served." He said, and he kept looking his phone for the number. "Destiny, did I add the number?" "I don't know, I don't own your phone."

"I'll have to add it then." He said, heading to the office, and pulling out my enrolment forms. He called the office and got an appointment for tomorrow to talk to the parents as well as the principal. I wanted to cry so hard, but I was right next to him so I couldn't.

He got off the phone and I broke down.
"Hey, it's alright." He said and Destiny ran in. "Please don't kill yourself, we need you." She said and I cried more. People finally cared about me. Joven pulled me up into his arms and hugged me tight.

"It's alright, we'll get through this together." "Destiny, call the pizza place, we're getting pizzas tonight. Call the guys, we might need their help.

Joven POV
Joven to the rescue again. I rang the pizza place and rang Ian. "What's crackalackin Joven?" "Is everyone there with you?" "Who?" "Like the games crew." "Oh yeah, except you and Destiny." "You guys can come over to my place, free pizza and video games." "Cool, I'll check with everyone." I heard a bunch of 'hell yeah's coming from the background. "Cool, be over in the next hour." I said. "Bye." Ian said and hung up, probably waiting for me to call back like some desperate person.

The pizza did eventually come, but Hope wasn't too open about the whole situation. But she needed to be if she was ever to recover. I learnt that the hard way. Losing my dad was the hardest thing ever, but being open about it helped me. I still cry sometimes if I think about it long enough.

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