Pizza with a side of video games

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Mari woke up, piled against Lasercorn, Sohinki and Anthony. She managed to wiggle her way out of the seemingly lifeless sleeping bodies. She fell flat on her face, falling into the fluffy rug covering the hardwood floor.

"Mari! Mari!" Joven called from what seemed like the sky. She screamed and everyone woke up. "Where are we?" Everyone said at the same time. "Ewwww!" Ian exclaimed. Lasercorn was sleeping on top of him. They all got up. "Never again." Wes said, as he nearly fell down on the floor. "Ma legs!" "They're sleeping!" Wes nearly screamed.

Ding dong! The doorbell rang and Mari answered it in the hope that it was a pizza guy who had come to the wrong house.

But no, it was only Destiny. "Destiny!" She exclaimed, and everyone came running. "This is my one day off, so I came here to check on Ian and Anthony." "That's all?" Mari said, sounding disappointed. "Not really." "What I actually came here to say was that we have a Game Bang starting in an hour." It was silent and then all you could hear was: Where's my shoes? Where's the bathroom?

They had just enough time to drive down to the HQ after everyone looked presentable enough. They turned the camera on and yelled, Gamebang!
I never knew Game Bangs took so long,

Everyone else went and got lunch except me and Joven. "Come to my place tonight." Joven asked and he nudged me in the arm. "Ok." We continued to set up the break room for the returning people. I don't even know how it happened, but soon, we were kissing. Someone must have had a party popper or something, because we heard it and immediately broke away.

About 5 minutes later, everyone came in, and the smell of fries and burgers filled the room. I was talking to Wes about something, when Lasercorn tapped me on the shoulder. M'lady. He said and handed me a bag. "Thanks!" "How much do I owe you?" "Don't worry about it." "You sure?" "Yeah, we use Anthony's credit card." I was holding back fits of laughter. "Where are those two anyway?"

They said they were going home to do a Lunchtime with Smosh. "Cool." We had nearly finished answering questions and eating food, when the silliest question came up.
It was from @shanedawson and it said,
What's the ship name for Jovenshire and Destiny? 😉

Umm, I started but Lasercorn cut me off. "I have the best one!" "What about Destinshire?" "That works." Joven replied with a mouth full of food. "Ewww Joven, I said, pushing him away, "that's GROSS!"

End of chapter!

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