A movie night

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It had been a week since the miscarriage happened.
Destiny POV
I woke up in Joven's arms. I looked at the digital clock. 11pm? I thought. Are you serious? I got up and went to the kitchen. I couldn't sleep at all. I texted Ian and Anthony.

"Hey, you guys still up?" "Yeah we don't go to bed until like 3 in the morning." "Can I come over?" "I can't sleep." "Yeah, come on over." I got some clothes and headed to the bathroom. I wrote a note to Joven:
Hey, I couldn't sleep so I went to the Smosh house. If I'm not back, ring and if I don't answer, come immediately.

I ran out the door and got in my car. Before I knew it, I was in their street. The place was lit up and it was the only house that even had any form of light on.

"Hey girl!" Ian came to the door. "Joven giving you a hard time?" I slapped him. "No!" "Chill, but seriously." "No, everything's fine, DAD." "Hey!" He laughed, and Anthony walked out. "What are you doing here?" "I couldn't sleep." "Cool." There was an awkward silence. "Wanna watch a movie or something?" "Sure!"
We watched The Walking Dead on Netflix, and I was right in-between both of them.

"I missed you guys." I said, and they pulled me in for a hug. What happened next I don't really remember.

***the next morning***
Joven POV
I woke up. No Scarlett. Went into the kitchen. No Scarlett. Called out for her. No Scarlett. The panic rose in me. A pink sticky note appeared out of the corner of my eye. I hoped it would tell me where she went. Couldn't sleep. Classic Scarlett. I rang her phone. i bit my lip. "Please answer." I said out loud.

Hello?" "Hey Joven, it's Ian." "Ian!" "Have you seen Scarlett?" "Yeah, she's sleeping on our couch." "Is she alright though?" "Well, she looks fine." "Is she awake?" "No, but she looks peaceful." "Thanks man." "Did she take her car?" "Yes! Are you done yet?" "Fine, bye!"
But in real life, she wasn't fine. For her dreams were tearing at her.

She was sitting in her room at her 'parents' house. Her wrists were cut, and she was using her last bit of Internet for the month. It was the 30th so it didn't matter. She could survive without the internet for one day, right?

Her father came in. "Get off your butt and do something." She had done everything possible she could think of. She'd mowed the lawns, did the dishes, cleaned every part of the house, bleached the floors, ironed the clothes, cut the hedges and went grocery shopping.

"What is there to do?" She said. He picked her up. "What did you say?" He slapped her and threw her to the ground. "What is there to do?" She didn't care whether she died or not. He kept punching her again and again, and she just let him do it. Fighting it wouldn't help. He let her go. "You've learnt not to fight it." "Maybe you're not as stupid as you are."

He locked her door. She lay there, motionless, emotionless. She was unwanted. "Hope, please come and save me!" She half screamed, and she woke up. "Morning." Anthony said from what seemed like the clouds. She woke up again.

Ian and Anthony were sitting down, eating breakfast. "We heard you scream." "You alright?" Ian said, walking in my direction. "Yeah, I had a nightmare." "Oh." "I'm fine, it happens all the time." "Joven called." "He said he would be at the HQ if you wanted him."

"Cool." I was tired and I had a headache. This was like the first time I came here. I had a pop tart and I was all good. Like. She woke up. For real. "Destiny."  "You alright?"  "You heard everything right?" "Yeah." "I'm gonna go." I grabbed my keys and headed out the door. "Why am I so stupid?" I thought to myself.

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