The next morning

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Destiny POV
I looked out the window. There was the HQ very far in the distance, but it stood out very well. I stacked another pancake on the plate and put it on the table.

I got two and started eating them, looking for the chick flick section on Netflix. I found When Harry met Sally and started to watch that. Joven came out and got two but realised what I was watching.

"That movie? Really?" " I'm sorry?" "Why that one though?" "I don't know, I was bored." "Yep sure." He smirked and sat down next to me. "We have a FNAF game bang to do today." "Yes! I love FNAF!" I said, genuinely meaning it. "Why?" "Well, it's a good game?"

"That's all?" "Pretty much." I said, getting up to get changed. We headed out and when we got there it must have been someone's birthday or something, streamers and banners were everywhere. "What's the occasion?" I asked Mari. "It's Lasercorn's birthday today." "No way!"

I headed to the Game Bang room and Sohinki was sitting down playing Cookie and Cream on his DS. He looked up at me. "Hey." "Sup?" "Playing Cookie and Cream." "Seriously? Can I play?" "Sure." He handed me side and we played multiplayer.

"I love Cookie and Cream." I said a bit too loud. "Really? Everyone I've talked to hates it." "It's a cute little game about bunnies going on adventures. Why could hate that?" "I know right?" Something clicked, I could feel it. Were we best friends now or something?

We played for a good hour and Mari came in. "We have cake and Lasercorn is here." "CAKE!" I screamed and ran out to the break room. "There you are." Joven said as I scooted next to him. Ian was in the corner, with Anthony, and they were holding the cake.

I looked outside and there was Lasercorn, walking around like an idiot, looking for us. He turned this way. "He's coming everyone!" They ran to a hiding place and Ian gave the cake to me and told me to act natural like I was the only one in the room.

He came in and sighed. "Someone else besides me is here!" "Yeah, happy birthday!" I said, cutting off little snipets of it. "You sound like a demented Freddy Fazbear." I laughed. They better come out soon. "Wanna take a seat or something?"

"Sure." Ian came out from behind the cutout of Carnage and attempted to scare Lasercorn. "Hey Ian." "Crap! Umm hi." He laughed and that scared Ian again. I had to laugh at that time.

"I'm being attacked!" Ian said and Joven grabbed Lasercorn's ankles and he screamed a little bit. Everyone else pounced out from where they were hiding and I nearly would've stepped on Mari's fingers.

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