The date 2

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She was going home to get changed for the date tonight, and she hoped no one would turn up. They hadn't yet, but it close once.

She had a shower and redid her hair and makeup, and even put her first pieces of jewellery on.

She arrived, really excited for the first time she wouldn't have to worry about prying eyes. She climbed up the stairs, and she opened the door. Joven's mom was there.

She swallowed her words. "Hey Scarlett." Joven whispered. "Sorry I didn't tell you earlier, but my mom just turned up." "It's fine!" I smiled, but my heart was skipping beats at the thoughts of meeting his mother.

"It'll be fine sweetie." He said, seeing the utter nervousness of my body
language. He made risotto, and it smelt amazing. His mother sat down, and could tell I was nervous. "Don't worry sweetie, I won't bite." She smiled, and relaxed a little bit.

She was actually really nice, and she really liked me. At the end of the night, she was talking with josh and all I could hear was "She's a beautiful girl." But one thing really caught my attention. "If your father were here, he would so proud of you." "He always used to worry about you ever finding the right one."

So his father had died. And he only wanted the best girl for his son. Isn't that weird? I thought, Usually it's the opposite.

"Well, she said as she packed her things into her bag and left, "it was very nice meeting you Scarlett." And with that, she shut the door.

"Why were you scared of my mom?" "I don't know." I need to be somewhere, Joven started, and I finished. I'm going to that same place." It was Ian's birthday, so everyone was celebrating at the Smosh house. "Cool." We walked out together and got in our own separate cars and drove side by side in the highway.

Sorry this chapter was so short, I was stressed today and my mind went blank.

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