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Everyone was in their positions for the next video. "Gamebang!" Everyone screamed. They were going to play First Person Lover. "Spread the love!"Joven yelled as he shot down the hater.

Destiny smiled and sat back in her seat.
"What a cutie, she thought, as she took the controller. Everyone played and the punishment was to hug the loser. Joven only shot one hater, and Destiny shot two.

On two, Sohinki said, is Destiny, and on one is Joven. Let the fanfiction begin. They hugged purposely awkwardly, and let everyone laugh.

Everyone was going to Ian and Anthony's house for a lunchtime with Smosh, and to celebrate 2 years, 6 months of Smosh Games.

Destiny's POV
Me and Joven had decided to go somewhere secret and truly hug. We decided that the break room was the best place to go. We just hugged and it went on forever.

A forever I wished would never end. We were just starting to get into it, we felt mortified stares. I looked over, and there was Ian, Anthony, Mari, Sohinki, Lasercorn, Wes and Flitz, just staring.

"Hi." I said, the defeat in my voice breaking it. Lasercorn spat out his coke, but instead of going everywhere, it dribbled down his mouth. "This is the guy you're dating." Anthony said awkwardly. "Yeah." "Good for you." They walked off.

One month later...
Everyone has started to accept us dating, and some of them are even happy for us. Me and Joven are really hitting it off now. I feel better about talking about now. For the first week, no one wanted to know us. But we didn't care, and we even started our own YouTube channel, Destinshire.

Everything was perfect.

***1 year later***
They were going out on their 50th date, but this time it wasn't casual, it was neat formal. It was a fancy place, and Destiny drove herself. He walked her in the door and they sat down. They chatted and ate, and generally had fun. But Joven wanted more.

"Destiny, will you marry me?" He said as they got up to leave. "Yes of course!"
Everyone clapped, and Destiny lept in Joven's arms. He carried her out of the restaurant, and walked her to her car. "Oh my gosh, Joven!" "It's beautiful!"

They kissed for 10 seconds and they went home. Ian and Anthony had gone to bed, so she went as well. The next day dawned, and Destiny sluggish walked to the kitchen. There was a note on the counter. It read:
Hey beautiful girl,
We had to leave early, but don't worry, just make sure your at the Smosh Games HQ by 11. "Crap!" She screamed, and got dressed and put on makeup, had a banana for breakfast, grabbed her keys and ran.

It was 10:50 by the time she got there, and Joven was waiting out the front. He hugged her and he went to talk to the guys.

You're here! Mari yelled, and noticed a sparkle. "What's this?" She let a scream and all the guys came running. They were hugging and Joven slowed down to a walk.

The Smosh Orphan (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now