Tempting Tension

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Story may contain foul language, sexual content, abuse, violence.
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The ballroom was booming with life.

Dad had invited friends, coworkers and a bunch of important business people to another one of his amazing house parties.

I didn't know much people here besides Henry and Chris.

"M'lady." Chris hooked his muscular arm around mine. It made me giggle but I pulled him closer as he walked us over towards Henry.

"You're looking very beautiful tonight Y/n." Chris muttered by my ear, smiling at the people we passed.

"Why thank you Chris, you're looking very handsome yourself." I complimented him right back, it was true.

Chris is a very good looking man and a lot of girls think so too. So much that those that took a liking on him and were here tonight kept sending me dirty glares. I've always found him attractive and he was such a gentleman what girl doesn't want that in a man.

"Love the dress it looks scrumptious on you and the color." He smiled as we kept walking towards Henry who was talking with my parents and his. I was wearing a short silk, pink dress that I fell in love with.

"There she is, speak of the angel." Father pulled me in for a hug.

"And me." Chris butt in making them all laugh.

"Henry was just telling us about your next trip to California for break." Mother spoke, I looked over at Henry who was already smiling down at me so I went over to hug him.

"Yup this break is very needed." Chris sighed grabbing a glass of champagne from a passing tray.

"Look at you two kids, you look so good together wouldn't they make such a beautiful couple." Henry's mom turned to gush over to my mother.

"They sure do don't they." Chris butt in the conversation once again with a joking tone.

It was well known that Henry's parents and mine have always wanted us to be together and hope that one day we get married. For both businesses to one day merge and thrive becoming even more successful. But it wasn't like they were forcing it on us, it was a simple idea.

"Hey, Robert, Johnny." Andy snuck up behind the two men in a cheery mood.

"Andrew." Dad turned to his friend, who I've known for a short time.

"Robert, Johnny meet Patrick Bateman a friend of mine." He introduced the new guy who was named as Patrick to my dad and Henry's.

"Nice to see you again Y/n, you look extravagant as always." Andy smiled charmingly.

"Nice to see you too, you look great." I replied as he pulled me in for a tight but comfortable hug.

"This is my good friend Patrick." He moved to the side and this Patrick guy came into view.

When my eyes met his my breathe got caught in my throat, he was strikingly handsome. Probably the most good looking man I've ever laid my eyes on.

Dominance and confidence oozed off him.

His slicked brown hair and dark brown eyes, he was beautiful. There was something different about him though, his presence made me nervous. Everything around but him was a blur, his smile... that smile was to die for.

Devilicious Psychopath | Patrick Bateman | 18+Where stories live. Discover now