Intoxicating Haze

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The same blank expression but before I turned back around I saw the corners of his mouth turn up ever so softly.

"What time do you want to head out?" I asked into the phone.

I was in my bedroom listening to music while I wrote in my journal before Sue called me just a few minutes ago. I was laying on my bed as I listened to my friend on the line.

"I just got in the car I'm going to pick you up." I rolled over on my back and stared up at my ceiling.

"Okay I'll be ready." We were going shopping once again, she made it her goal to find the hottest outfit for me for tonight.

My parents are going away for the weekend. My dad always surprises my mother with cute dates and trips. I think it's the cutest thing in the world to see them so in love even after so many years of marriage. They were going away to Italy for a week, leaving today.

"See you in a bit." She hung up, I stayed in bed a little longer feeling very comfortable.

"Flower your mother and I are going to be heading out now." Dad knocked on my open door.

"Already?" I sat up fixing my skirt and got up.

"Yes princess we need to catch our flight if we're gonna get there on time." He opened his arms for a tight hug.

"It's your plane can't you make it wait." I walked into his loving arms.

"I'm sorry flower but I have something special planned for your mother." I playfully frowned up at him.

"Don't worry I'll plan something special for my favorite girl when I get back." His response spread a smile on my face.

"If you're going out make sure one of the guys are going with you I don't want you going out by yourself." His tone got more serious and stern in a fatherly way.

"Please be careful and stay safe if anything happens call me." He pointed his finger at me.

"Do I make myself clear?" His tone returned to a more softer one he usually used with me.

"Yes daddy." I laughed and I hugged him tighter.

"I love you." He kissed my forehead.

"I love you too." I pecked his cheek.

"I think that's all." Mom came into the hallway with a suitcase trailing behind her.

"Great let's get going." I pulled away from my father's embrace and went over to hug my mom.

"Oh take care sweetie we'll be back soon if you need me call me, and if you can have Henry stay over while we're gone I'll sleep better knowing you're not all alone." She squeezed me in her hug and pulled away to kiss my cheek.

"If it helps you sleep better I'll ask if he can." I returned the kiss on her cheek.

"And if that boy does stay over." Dad intervened.

"Oh Robert please they're practically adults." Mom interrupted him.

"All I was gonna say is use protection." He shrugged voicing his advice.

"Dad." I cringed shaking my head, no I did not just hear that.

"I'm sorry." He put up his hands up defensively.

"Come on let's go." Mom thankfully ushered him down the hall and down the stairs.

"Have fun you two, love you." I called from the front door as they got in the car.

"Love you!" They replied as the car drove out of the driveway.

Getting inside I locked the front door before getting ready.

Devilicious Psychopath | Patrick Bateman | 18+Where stories live. Discover now