Deadly Promise

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Since I love you guys so much I'm posting twice today, you're welcome. 😉

It has been two days since we got back from the trip and it seems like Patrick has been on edge. Ever since Brandon made that comment of painting a nude painting of me. I was sort of hoping he'd let it go by now.

Patrick drove for miles down a long dark road. I yawned quietly looking out the window into a void of nothing. It's practically the middle of the night and it was pitch black outside, the car then made a left turn to a more gravely road. The only form a light leading the way were the headlights.

Right about now is when my tummy ached with a bad feeling. My intuition like sirens pleading for me to somehow get out of this situation. What is Patrick up to now? A couple minutes later the light aluminate an abandoned looking warehouse still in the distance. The closer we get the more abandoned and isolated it looks, further spiking my anxiety.

Why would Patrick bring me here, we're in the middle of nowhere, miles and miles away from society away from any form of help. Nothing good can come from this, Patrick being dead silent the whole way here was also a clear indication he was not happy.

When Patrick is not happy he makes life living hell. Parking the car at a close distance to the disheveled warehouse he turned off the car, getting out without a word. Making his way over, he opened the door for me. Reaching his hand for mine, I complied and took his hand. I took a step out into the cold night, the surrounding woods both silent and loud at the same time.

I shivered at the cold air, hugging myself from the cold. Patrick's arm snaked around me as the other closed the car door. He took long strides towards the creepy place nearly dragging me with him to keep up with him. Getting to the huge, rusty doors he let go of me to open the old doors with a loud creak I winched at. Pulling me in Patrick closed the giant door behind us, in complete darkness he walked me towards the dark destination. My eyes were wide and looking around but all I couldn't see a thing, it's freezing cold in here.

Finally we stopped and after a few seconds the lights flipped on. I squinted my eyes to shield them from the bright light. Slowly opening them up I got used to the light and looked up.

My eyes widen as my lips release a faint gasp and my heart drops in a matter of milliseconds. Brandon has his hands tied behind a chair and so were his legs. His eyes wide open, frightened, panic pained on his face and a bit of bruising forming on his cheek. A cloth between his lips preventing him from speaking. Only muffled sound, grunts and groans were heard as he helplessly tried to move about. His chest rising and falling rapidly begging to be free of the restraints.

I snap back to reality when a muffled cry for help leaves him, his big teary eyes bore into my soul, pleading for my help.

"Patrick what is this?" I managed to stutter out. I could hear my heart pounding in my ears as I looked over at Brandon.

"Have you ever wanted a nude painting of yourself doll?" Patrick took a stride forward, the clank of his shoes echoed. My brows furrowed, my mind wondering is he really going to do this because of a comment Brandon had made.

"Oh come on, it'll be perfect, large hanging in the living room right in the center where everyone can see it." He smiled looking at me.

"I can see you staring up with those big brown eyes and long lashes, pouty lips, that look on your face posing sensually, I can see why you asked now Brandon." Patrick looked down and over at Brandon with his hands in his pockets.

"Unfortunately for you I don't think you'll ever see her nakedness, that's for my eyes and mine alone." He said now anger lacing his voice.

Slowly Patrick turned back around to face me. A murderous expression haunting his features. Rage roared like a wildfire in his eyes. The image frightened me to no end.

Devilicious Psychopath | Patrick Bateman | 18+Where stories live. Discover now