Cherry Chapstick

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Too tired and too over life Susan and I quite literally passed out on the bed due to exhaustion. My eyes couldn't stay open any longer and I knocked out on the large, quite comfortable bed.

"Where are we going?" I spoke up following Mr. Martinelli, I sped up my pace to keep up with his fast strides.

It was the next day and we had been ordered to freshen up and change. I was confused when we got our luggage back, they must've broken into our hotel room to retrieve them. But now we were off in broad daylight and climbed into a black truck with tinted windows. Cassio sat in the front and I got in the back with Sue.

It was nice that there were no restraints and Pierre wasn't dragging me around anymore but it was oddly suspicious that Cassio was allowing us to go about so freely.

"Italy." Cassio finally answered after forever. His reply registered in my brain and my eyes widened.

"Italy!" I exclaimed out before I could stop myself. How are we ever going to go home if we're going to Italy?! For how long, why do we have to go? A million questions flooded my mind.

"I have a few things to take care of there and I need to keep a close eye on you two." Cassio replied simply, completely unbothered.

There wasn't much we can do then, it's not like I can argue with him. I guess we're going to Italy. I sat quietly and tried to close my eyes and quiet my racing thoughts.

It wasn't as bad as yesterday, a sort of calmness or more like ease had washed over me last night after Lucia had said we were safe and no one would harm us. That still doesn't make up for the fact that Sue and I were abducted for reasons still unknown.

Does my dad know, does anyone know we've been kidnapped? It was the next day and if anyone had tried to contact us they're probably assuming we're just busy enjoying the trip. I looked for my phone but it was most likely retrieved by Pierre.

I let out a heavy sigh and turned over to Susan who was looking out of the window. There were so many unanswered questions and thinking about everything made my head ache.

How the hell am I going to get out of this one? Could I really trust Lucia's words? How long until we get to go home? Will Cassio let us contact anyone? I don't know what's happening, what's going on?

I still don't know just how dangerous and powerful Cassio's is. I had an idea what we are dealing with but I hoped it's not what I'm thinking.

The long car ride led us straight to the back of an airport where an extravagant plane was waiting for our arrival. Stepping up the stairs into the plane set the thought of leaving Vegas and flying to Italy. If we didn't have a chance escaping while we were still in America there's no way we can run in Italy.

"How the hell are we going to get out of this one?" Susan whispered discreetly, close behind my tracks.

"I don't have a clue." I wish I had an actual answer. Stepping into the luxurious plane I took a seat hoping to be far from Cassio. Sue sat next to me and Cassio soon followed through the entrance along with a few other men. Still he paid no attention to us and continued deeper down the plane. A sigh of relief escaped my lips, at least we get to sit where we want.

"He's scary." Sue said when it was safe from being heard.

"Do you have any idea what this might be about?" I turned to face Susan. I can't sit still and not rack my brain for an possible connection of events that led us to be in this exact position right now.

"I mean I can't think of anything... do you think maybe it's not something we did?" As soon as the words left her mouth I knew what she was hinting at. I've pushed this possibility as far back in my mind as I could.

Devilicious Psychopath | Patrick Bateman | 18+Where stories live. Discover now