Love Spell

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Too tired I can't help but sleep on his chest as he washes the filth away.

Idiot. Idiot. Idiot. Idiot.

I'm an idiot. I'm such an idiot, I did it again.

I let him get to me. Why can't I ever resist him? Why can't I ever speak when it matters? What is it about this man? Why is it so hard?

Sighing into the pillow I stretch relieving my sore muscles in the warm softness of the sheets. Evaluating the drastic turn of events that occurred the night before, how I got myself here once again I sighed in frustration.

Thinking of Patrick and Jean together soured my mood real quick, bringing doubts along with annoyance surround my head like a storm of clouds.

Patrick walks out of his walk-in closet fixing his tie then he lowers to place a tender kiss between my shoulder blades.

"I'm heading off for work." He said finishing off his morning routine as usual.

"Mmh." I turned, still naked under the silky sheets onto my side watching as he stopped and stared at me with an unsettling expression at my dry response.

"You can't possible be bothered by what happened yesterday, nothing happened Y/n." Patrick scoffed in disbelief as if the idea was a waste of time.

"I don't know what to think Patrick." I simply replied with a simple shrug that pissed him off further.

"Considering you practically begged me to wear your ring if that's not what you want I'll gladly leave you be so you can get back to your whores." Even I was shocked by my boldness, but I didn't show it. A muscle in his jaw twitched as he  prowled closer to me, I'm down cowering at those beautifully intense eyes.

"I don't beg darling, I demand..." Patrick slowly stalked his way closer and closer.

"And you're my one and only whore." I'd be lying if his response didn't make my pussy throb.

"Really is that what I am to you?" Since when did I decide I was going to test my fate this morning?

"Careful doll." His tone dropped dangerously low, calling out to my lower half.

"Careful Patty dear you don't want to lose me for being so stupid." It was my turn to taunt. And he didn't like that one bit. Me on the other hand, I'm quite enjoying the bratty playfulness. This might get me into move trouble but I was already walking on thin ice.

"We both know how much you love my cunt, wouldn't want to lose it." His eyes widened subtly, but I caught the minor detail. Now standing only inches from being nose to nose, he peered down at me.

"Yeah, what a shame would that be." He purred deliciously. Absorbed in those intense shades of browns of his, his sly fingers slid under the silk sheets and between my folds swiftly I only noticed when his fingers rubbed me just right.

"You're right, I worship your pussy baby." Patrick's skilled fingers worked on my silky clit with delicious friction.

"Is that what you want to hear, that I'm obsessed with you." His voice deepened with lust and desire sparkled in his pretty eyes. Swiftly spreading my legs wide, removing the silk I was left bare before him. With a jagged breath he kneeled before me and my heart sped up.

"That I'm batshit crazy about you, that coming home and fucking you all night is all I think about during the day." He buried his face between my legs. I moaned out loud at the feeling of his tongue worshiping me like a starved man.

"That the thought of another man putting their hands on you sends me into a murderous rage, that I've killed men just for even looking at you the wrong way, is that what you want to hear?" Patrick lifted his head to prowl over me all the while he worked to undo his pants. I whimpered at the loss of contact but quieted when his tip tease my pussy. Wait a minute did he say murdered?

Devilicious Psychopath | Patrick Bateman | 18+Where stories live. Discover now