Sadistic Smile

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"I want to go home." I pleaded in the softest voice I managed to get out. That was all it took for Patrick to call it a night and carried me out of this place.

I didn't know what time I fell asleep but after we got home I rushed to take a shower. I would be lying if I said I didn't cry silently in the shower just thinking of what could have happened to me if I didn't make it back inside the club.

This morning Patrick was up before me, he was out of bed and no where to be seen. The door was not fully closed letting me free if I wanted to go out. I brushed my teeth and brushed through my long locks then changed into a sun dress hoping to get to go outside. I let out a big breath and opened the door, it was so quiet.

I peeked my head out looking both ways to see if anyone was around. No one. I stepped out and walked about trying to find the stairs. I took the chance to explore around, after a while I managed to find the stairs and headed down.

Eventually I found the back door leading into the backyard. Taking another heavy breathe once outside in the fresh air I instantly felt better just by being out. It was a beautiful day and it would be such a waste to stay inside all day. I still hadn't come across anyone which was strange, Patrick probably left early for whatever reason.

I found myself smiling a little as I looked out into the acres of green grass. The small smile was quick to vanish from my face as my thoughts wondered to my family. Daddy is going to be so upset with me, they're probably worried sick and it crushed my mood to think I was the cause.

If only Patrick let me talk to them about whatever this was, whatever we are. So I wouldn't have to leave them worried and wondering every time I went away, that'll give me one less thing to stress over. I saw an outdoors table that was under some shade, I went over to sit and get lost in my thoughts.

I've been wanting to write for awhile now, this is the longest I've gone without doing so. That or painting and I'm just itching to be able to do it again. Maybe I can do that instead of doing nothing.

"There you are." I was startled by Patrick's voice. I looked up to see him walking my way, I was surprised to see the white dress shirt he had on was not buttoned up exposing his muscular chest. Not wanting to be caught staring I forced myself to look away. Dick or not he was still a very good looking man.

"How are you feeling?" I didn't know how to feel about how soft and comforting his voice sounded. Once he stood behind me, towering over me his large hand reached for my chin lifting my head up all the way to look up at him. He then leaned down to place his lips on mine, usually his kisses were rough but this one was the total opposite soft, delicate. The position reminded me of the Spider-Man kiss in the movie.

"I'm fine." I found my voice, I was far from fine but Patrick wouldn't understand. If he was an understanding person we'd be in a much more different situation. Patrick only let out a sigh knowing all too well I was lying. I was kind of stunned that he actually let it go and didn't pester me about it.

Aaron came out and set breakfast on the table as Patrick sat across from me. This place is magical but what's the point if I'm unhappy, I want to go home. I miss my family and friends dearly, my baby Duke.

"Quit pouting darling, you need to eat." His voice brought me back to my sad reality. I took a deep breath and looked down at the plate he'd fixed up for me.

"I'm not hungry." I knew he wasn't going to be pleased by my reply but I can't force myself to eat, it'll only upset my stomach. Now thinking about it, I haven't been eating quite well and that worried me. All I've been doing is stressing and worrying that I barely have an appetite.

Devilicious Psychopath | Patrick Bateman | 18+Where stories live. Discover now