Sweet Deception

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"You are not going to believe who I just saw at the Four Seasons!" Susan scoffed in a rush, shock and surprise laced her voice.

"Hold on." I recognized the utter disgust and offense in her tone so this must be serious. I remove my phone from my ear and looked over at mom to see if she needs any help.

Seeing her content and in her own world I got up to leave for my room, practically ran up the steps. Closing my bedroom door I sat at my very girly vanity.

"Okay who'd you see?" I ask with anticipation.

"If you need me to throw hands for you Y/n just say the word and I mean it, I don't care who's around to see they can catch some too if they get in the way." Susan goes on her voice the same only angrier, now clouding confusion into my head, what did she see?

A sickening feeling crawls over me having an idea but I refused to go there until I hear it from her.

"Susan what is going on?" I ask impatiently. Just spit it out already!

"Patrick is here with some ugly bimbo looking blonde bitch." Sue spat out harshly shattering my world within seconds.


It has to be he said he was on a hurry to a 'very important meeting'. The line goes silent, my heart beating in my ears before Sue speaks up again.

"Just say the word girlfriend." She seems to be even more irritated as my silence goes on.

"Is anyone else there?" I ask trying very hard not to jump into conclusions but it almost seems impossible at the moment.

"Nope it's just them and the bastard looks very fine and dandy laughing about like no one's business, it looks like a date motherfucker." Susan spats. More emotions emerge from within.

"Ew she's not wearing heels, with that dress gross." She goes on.

"He hasn't seen me, Y/n are you okay?" Susan's voice interrupts my racing mind.

"I- um." But I stumble over my words.

"That's it I'm breaking his nose and I'm dragging her by her greasy looking hair." Susan determination sends me into a frenzy.

"Susan wait!" I find my voice and hopefully hold her back before she does anything rash, even though deep down I want nothing more than to grant Susan the satisfaction of causing them harm.

"That's really hard to do at the moment." She replies.

"I don't want you to get in trouble because of me I'll take care of it when he gets back." And now it's her turn to be silent.

"Are you sure?" She sounds strained as if she really wants to storm at them but I can't let her do that.

"Yes I'm sure I'm going to make him tell me himself." Anger now boils over like a pot of boiling water.

"Ohhh I wish I could be there to see what kind of sorry excuse he comes up with." She scoffs and I just know her eyes roll for the millionth time tonight.

"Ouuu I can't believe it he wants to get fucked up, they both do I want to break his nose so badly please Y/n just say the worrrd, I'll break hers too while I'm at it." I know she wants to but that's not the type of publicity she needs.

"Fucking bitch... she's fucking ugly." Sue scoffs in a mixture of disbelief and distress. Completely baffled. My heart wants to warm at my friends defense but it can't.

"Oh and Charles is here too but he's with some group of men on the other side of the restaurant, I thought he left back to Italy but he's in town." Susan completely turns the conversation on me but my minds still on Patrick and what I'm doing to do when he gets back.

Devilicious Psychopath | Patrick Bateman | 18+Where stories live. Discover now