Forbidden Desires

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"I'm crazy about you, let's get out of here." He groaned, squeezing my hips one last time.

"You have such a nice place." Although the place was nice it was all very white and plain. Modern, but a bit boring. The lights were dimmed, helping my tired eyes.

"Let me take this." He took his coat that he'd given me off my shoulders and I sat on the white couch. He went off somewhere and I looked around waiting for him to return.

"Since we didn't have dessert I thought we could enjoy these." Patrick came back with a plate of chocolate covered strawberries. He sat besides me and picked one up, bringing it to my lips.

"Open." I did what I was told and took the sugary treat in my mouth. I moaned savoring the sweetness, I took one and fed it to him. He didn't hesitate to bite into the strawberry. I finish off mine and notice the berry's juice run down his fingers making a mess.

My mind still fuzzy with alcohol, instinctively my tongue licked his fingers clean. I looked up into his intense, lusting eyes as I then sucked his sweet finger tips. Looking up at him as I sucked his whole index finger in my mouth his eyes darkened sending a shiver down my back. The air grew thick with sexual tension.

Patrick pulled me closer and crashed his lips on mine with so much force. Effortlessly he picked me up and sat me on his lap. There was a great hunger and desire in his touch.

I've never done this before, he's the only man that's ever touched me in such a way. I'm intoxicated and I'm not thinking straight. All my senses were wrapped up on Patrick, he held me close to him as his tongue was nearly down my throat. The make out session was so hot and messy in the best way possible.

I never thought I'd be the person to sleep with someone on the fist date but I'm really reconsidering that right now. I always thought the first person I'd  even have sex with would be my husband. But that didn't even cross my mind at the moment. I only felt his hands and mouth all over me.

It felt mesmerizing and addicting, an igniting sensation tingled anywhere he touched my skin. He awoke this needy feeling of wanting more.

To roll around in sinful sheets of pleasure with this man. Patrick from the start had this sort of affect on me, since the moment we first made eye contact.

My hands slid from around his neck down to his expensive dress shirt covered chest, all while his much larger hands squeezed, teased my waist and hips. They then slid up to squeeze my breast causing a moan to slip out. Our lips tangled with each other's and his skillful tongue made sure to make advances in my mouth. Pulling away to breathe, I feel so high I could pass out. It was the lack of oxygen, he left me breathless.

"I don't think I can control myself." He husked out of breathe, our lips brushed against each others.

"I've never done this before." My breathing got heavier as his lips barely grazed my swollen ones and moved lower to suck and nip at my jaw and neck, marking my soft skin.

"You're a virgin, don't worry I'll try to be gentle." I could feel a smile form against my neck.

"Virgins are so fun to play with I'm going to have so much fun with you, I'm going to ruin you." He groaned as he turned us over so I was now under him. I was so dazed with anticipation and the sound of his groaning voice. I was just so fascinated by him that the last words went unheard.

He continued to devour my lips and then I felt his hand slowly inch under my dress by the slit. I could feel his thumb press up against my needy nub through my soaked panties, I let out a moan at the pressure.

"Patrick please." I melted at his touch, begging for more against his mouth.

"Isn't that a beautiful sound." He smirked against my lips. He kneeled down in front of me moving my dress up and out of the way.

Devilicious Psychopath | Patrick Bateman | 18+Where stories live. Discover now