The One That Got Away

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"It's fine, I totally needed them." I smiled.

It's almost been a week since I arrived at my parents house and I haven't left. Patrick has for work but when he comes back I won't let him leave my side.

It's funny I was running from him for so long ago and now it feels as though I need him by my side. Staying at my parents house in my room has definitely helped me heal.

Sue, Chris and Henry are over quite a lot too which keeps me busy and distracted. My mom has made my favorite meals every day and I appreciate it greatly.

I sit up feeling tired of laying down all the time.

"What are you doing you need anything?" Henry looked up from his book when he noticed the slightest movement. I get that the doctor told me to rest but I need to stretch.

"I just want to stretch is all." I stood up and stretched my sore muscles.

"How is your body feeling?" He asked putting the book down. He sat on a chair besides my bed facing me. There was always someone with me, I was not left alone. If Sue wasn't here it was either Chris Or Henry until Patrick got home from work. Sometimes my dad would pop in to check in on me.

I get that something very traumatic happened but I was being babied by everyone.

"Great, I think I'm fully recovered." I said still stretching every way I could.

"You have to take it easy." He said taking off his reading glasses.

"I am all I've been doing is laying in bed and I'm getting tired of it." I huffed in annoyance.

"I get that love." He chuckled in amusement. His laugh naturally made me crack a smile.

"So before such a traumatic experience, how were things I barely saw you anymore." Henry got a bit serious his smile faltered.

What do I say?

"Good... things were good." I replied and Henry's reaction told me he didn't quite believe me.

"When did you get engaged?" He asked out of the blue his eyes trailed down to my hand. Everyone practically knew by now.

"Was that before or after you found out you were pregnant?" He asked further, his jaw clenched. It was clear he wasn't trying to hide his distaste at the ring on my finger. The question itself got me taken aback. That's weird, why is he being like this?

I guess from the very beginning Henry clearly didn't like Patrick nor approved of him. Before Patrick there was sort of an unspoken romantic 'situation' between us in a sense. That was mostly pushed on us by our parents wanting us to be together but that clearly didn't end up happening.

I somehow always had the impression that Henry did have feelings for me and when Patrick got in the picture he sort of distanced himself from me, we never really spoke about it. I never meant to lead him on or hurt him so I have to clear things out.

"Henry... I've been wanting to talk to you." I stuttered out. He looked back at me, head tilted slightly and a raised brow but didn't reply.

"What about?" He finally said after I didn't speak up again. I don't really know how to start. 

"About sort of not talking to you about what-."

"Was that before or after you disappeared with your secret boyfriend without saying a word?" He interrupted me harshly. He looked hurt and impatient, this is what I was afraid of.

"I'm sorry." I blurted out now looking down too ashamed to meet his sad blue eyes.

"I thought we had something?" He said only softer now.

Devilicious Psychopath | Patrick Bateman | 18+Where stories live. Discover now