Kitty got Claws

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I wonder how this trip is gonna go?

"Here let me help." Patrick took the sunscreen from my hands and squeezed an appropriate amount into his own. His hands found my body and lathered me up taking his time. His hands felt nice as he massaged my body all over to protect me from the rays of the sun.

"I think that's good." He pressed his chest up against me and gave my ass a final squeeze.

"Patrick." I mumbled a little embarrassed that anyone could have seen. There was a sly smirk that grew on his face and he grabbed a hold of my jaw for a rough kiss.

Hand in hand we walked out of the room and out into the open backyard that led to the beach. The sun was out and the ocean was glistening, there was a slight refreshing breeze.

Patrick took a seat on the lounge chair and pulled me to sit on his lap. I placed my hand on his bare chest, wrapping my arm around his neck. He placed little delicate kisses starting on my cheek and going down my neck. I sat comfortably in his embrace enjoying the warmth of the sun and the cool breeze.

I haven't been this at ease in what seems like a long time. This was our third day here and we had rented out houses by the beach with an amazing view.

On our second night here I went on a walk along the shore during a beautiful sunset with Sue. It was great to have a moment with her alone, it's been too long since I've had time for her and I felt like such a bad friend. But I do cherish ever moment I have with them. It feels as though my friends and family are the only thing keeping me sane. If it wasn't for them I don't know where I'd be.

Surprisingly things were running smoothly and Patrick seemed to be getting along with Chris, Henry, and Sebastian. They were usually off talking about whatever it is they talk about and making drinks.

Tonight we were staying in and Henry is going to grill. The houses we're staying at are next to each other and the backyard has access to the beach. I thought it would be nice to hang out by the beach and cook.


"Isn't it nice the guys are getting along?" Sue asked beside me.

"It is." I continue to chop lettuce for the salad.

"I was thinking that we should go shopping tomorrow, sneak away from the boys and spend some time just the two of us." She turned to look at me.

"I would love that." I smiled and got to cutting lemons.

"We're going to need a lot of lemons." Sue then helped me with the lemons.

"So I have been meaning to talk to you for some time but you've been busy with Patrick." Sue spoke again fully grasping my attention.

"What is it?" I sliced another lemon but paid full attention to her.

"Sebastian and I have been talking and we want to make things serious." She replied.

"Sue that's great." I smiled.

"Serious, serious." She stated, her voice also serious, waiting for my reaction. I fully stopped what I was doing and looked up at her.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"We're thinking about tying the knot." She said looking into my eyes.

"Oh my, Sue that's a huge step." My eyes widen, mouth slightly open.

"If that's what you want to do, I'm happy for you." I can't believe she's wants to settle down. I mean I guess she would eventually but I didn't think I'd be so soon.

Devilicious Psychopath | Patrick Bateman | 18+Where stories live. Discover now