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So many questions, would I get an answer to all of them?

The familiar road to the safe haven I called home was only a couple miles away and the excitement bubbled inside. My heart sped up with anticipation. 

I got stuck by a wave of emotions as soon as the car drove through the grand infamous gate of the Downey residence. The house came into view when I saw everyone run out the door. As soon as the car stopped Susan opened the door and I followed her out.

"Oh dear God." Immediately I was engulfed in my parents embrace. I gasped for air through cries as I hugged them back just as tight. It did hurt, it felt of though my side was on fire but I ignored the pain.

"Oh my God you're okay, you're home." I could hear my dad cry. It felt like we stayed that way for an eternity before I looked and saw Susan and her parents also having a moment.

I look over to see a teary eyed Chris so naturally I pulled away from the tight knit hug and run into his awaiting arms.

"Hey kiddo, I'm so glad you're safe now." He smiled through the tears. I laughed through a cry and laid my head on his chest. I then moved on to hug Henry who was waiting patiently for his turn.

"I thought I was never going to see you again." He mumbled into my hair.

"Don't say that." I saw everyone here but there was one person missing. I don't see Patrick anywhere. However I did see, my dad now talking to the group of men and Charles a few feet away.

Mid conversation Charles looked my way and met my eyes. He sent a smile my way and turned back to look at my dad. Not long after they shook hands and Charles was headed back to the truck.

"Hold on." A wave of gratitude washed over me and I felt the need to chase after Charles.

"Charles." I caught his attention and he looked back. He let out a small grunt when I ran up to him and crashed him in a hug. Seconds after the surprise wore off he hugged me back.

"Thank you thank you thank you." I closed my eyes, holding off the aching pain a little longer. I'm extremely happy to be safe and sound thanks to my father and this man who risked his life. He didn't have to but he did and now I'm home, for that I'm very grateful.

"You're very welcome Y/n." He chuckled softly. I finally pulled away to look up at him, probably for the last time.

"You take care of that side." He pointed a finger.

"I will thanks again." I clamped my hands behind my back after pulling away.

"Take care Y/n." Charles nodded with a smile.

"Hey thank you so much for everything really, that was quite... intense." Susan then appeared besides me to also thank Charles.

"You're very welcome." He smiled sweetly. He then got in the truck and the mysterious men were off. I sighed seeing the car drive off. I turned to my father and leaned into him for more hugs. I hugged his waist and he laid his cheek on the top of my head.

"How's your wound flower?" He asked.

"The pain is starting to kick in again." I pains been there since we got off the plane due to the medication wearing off. 

"Let's get you some more medication I'll have doctor Jones come over to have a look at everything." He turned still holding me and walked us inside the house. Home. I took a huge breathe and exhaled loudly. I have a million and one thoughts running through my head.

One of them being where the hell is Patrick?

"Hello Duke." I greet the exited dog who was gotten significantly bigger since the last time I saw him.

Devilicious Psychopath | Patrick Bateman | 18+Where stories live. Discover now