Mixed Emotions

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"I know." He sighed leaving me stunned at the fact that he didn't refuse. That was easy.

Before I stepped inside my house I took a huge breath to prepare myself for what was to come. I'm a wreck inside, I took note of that since I woke up and even days before. Maybe I was thinking too much into it and it's just the guilt of facing my dad after I let him down. Not wasting another second I walked through the door and almost immediately I heard my dads voice.

"Who is that Angie?" I closed the door and felt so comforted already just by being in my own house. I was home.

"I don't know." I heard my mother reply and then she stepped out of the corner. A loud gasp left her lips and she ran to squeeze me in a tight embrace.

"Oh thank the heavens." She let out a huge sigh of relief but her hold never loosened. My arms found their way around her.

"Where the hell have you been?" She pulled away slightly to look at me but her arms never left me completely.

"Oh thank God." Dad then joined the hug and engulfed me in the comfort of his arms. I wanted nothing more than to break down and cry but I didn't shed a single tear. I've been through so much mental stress and I can't talk to the people I trust and love the most.

"Look who else missed you." Dad laughed at Duke who did everything from bark and jump to try and get my attention. I picked the pup up in my arms and hugged my baby.

"So is your phone broken, we need to have a talk little lady." Dad said in a stern voice now and he did not look happy. Guilt overtook me like a wildfire. Dad never uses that tone with me. Mom stood silently behind dad with a worried expression. I followed them into the living room where my dad didn't sit and stood standing. I sat on the couch and set Duke down but he didn't leave my side.

"Where have you been?" He asked crossing his arms. What the heck am I supposed to say? I was forced to get on a plane against my own will in order to save you guys from any form of harm from a literal psychopath.

"I am so sorry dad, I went away with Patrick and I clearly wasn't thinking at all, time flew and I completely forgot that I had promised to be here on Saturday I was totally irresponsible and I'm sorry." I rambled on the verge of tears. Lie, that's what I needed to do to cover my ass. I hate how much I'm lying to everyone especially my parents, all because of Patrick.

How much longer is that going to go on? Eventually I'll crack and it's going to get messy, I can't let that happen.

"Patrick?" My dad's question broke my train of thought. My eyes widened, I opened my mouth but no words came out. I said his name... I'm screwed. Now I have no choice but to inform my parents about Patrick which is something I was far from ready to do.

"Look you're about to turn twenty in a few weeks, if you didn't want to be there all I needed from you was a call, I'll understand but you can't just get up one day, leave, and have us not hear from you until you come back after almost a week." Dad went on to lecture me as he paced back and forth. Mom stayed out of it and only listened.

"I know I'm really sorry I disappointed you dad." I looked down at the floor trying to hide my teary eyes. When I'm away Patrick usually takes my phone so there's no way for me to communicate with them.

Everything is piling up and I can't seem to stop the tears from falling, I just want everything to stop. I heard my dad sigh heavily and come closer to me. I hate how I feel, this is not me. I'm unhappy and emotionally overwhelmed, traumatized by my supposed lover. I wish I could talk to someone, anyone but I can't. I wish I never laid eyes on Patrick that damn night.

Devilicious Psychopath | Patrick Bateman | 18+Where stories live. Discover now