Hunter's Moon

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Tomorrow couldn't come soon enough.

The morning of the supposed great escape was eerily quiet. More than normally which then led to thoughts of Cassio maybe catching onto dad's plan. I shook the nerves away, taking a deep breathe looking right into the eyes of my reflection.

The bags under my eyes made my brows knit together. I looked at the girl on the other side in deep concern, I don't look like myself.

I must have thought about the plan and layout of the house about a thousand times last night before I could actually get a blink of sleep. I changed into the most comfortable dress I had which happens to be a flowy sun dress which allows for more movement. I'll run barefoot if I have to, I'm doing everything possible to reach that damn helicopter on time before anyone sees us.

"Alright Y/n you got this." I said to myself in the mirror. With another heavy sigh I left the bathroom and walked out into the balcony to see if I could calm down a bit. I was anxious. Just waiting for the time to run off.

It's probably best not to overthink in that moment there is no time to stop and think. There's only do, just do. Run and do anything means possible to get out.

A chill ran through me as an image of the gun flashes my thoughts. My father's voice replayed in my mind. Don't be afraid to use the gun if you have to. Don't be afraid to use the gun if you have to.

It probably best to eat in order to have the energy. I need to get Susan to stay close for when it's time. Whatever she's been doing this whole time we've been here. She seems to be fine and having a good time you wouldn't know she's being held hostage against her will.

Me on the other hand, I'm practically counting down the seconds before I run far, far away from this place and never look back.

Making my way to the kitchen I hid behind a pillar on time in order to not be seen by two men walking by deep in a conversation. I peeked and saw Charles look back and wink before turning back never missing a step.

Whatever Charles is he's very good at his job.

I continued on my way and took one last good look at the beautiful Mediterranean architecture and decor of the house. Entering the kitchen I saw the cook and Susan who sat at the table.

"There you are." Susan smiled. I met her at the table and served myself a good amount of different fruits and opted for water. My appetite hadn't been the best and I can tell I'm losing weight which is worrying. Soon I'll be home safe and sound and I'll never have to see Cassio's stupid face again.

At least I hoped and prayed to get home today and never come across Cassio ever again.

Susan and the nice cook were talking and I didn't intervene. There was some rustling behind the door when a group of men came in. Cassio happened to be apart of those men so I kept my gaze down.

I could feel his eyes burning through me but I refused to meet his eyes. I didn't look up at all as I continued to eat my small breakfast. There was some intense conversation so I tried to listen in. It sounds like they're planning on going out for the day. So far from what I could hear everything is going according to plan.

I looked up only to look at the clock and check the time. One thirty four, almost time, looking away I caught a glimpse of Charles admits the men. Suddenly they all were out just as soon as they came rustling in.

I looked at Susan and she nodded getting the hint without a word. I hurried and finished eating and just like that I was back in the room to prepare our stuff.

"We can't carry much so only take the important stuff." I told Susan as we looked through our suit case only taking stuff like passport, identification and small items that fit in the small purse Susan was going to be holding onto, leaving behind the rest. It was all replaceable.

Devilicious Psychopath | Patrick Bateman | 18+Where stories live. Discover now