Lonely Cage

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"I'll take care of it." He simply muttered with wild eyes. What does that mean? Realizing my dress is still scrunched up putting my panties in display I pull it down.

A car drove us and I looked out the window the entire time. The sun was a delight and shinning bright, the landscape was so mesmerizing I couldn't look away.

All the greenery, flowers, the ocean far enough where I can still see it. I took in all in and got lost in it's beauty so much so I didn't blink to no miss a thing. Everywhere I looked there was something to admire. From the corner of my eyes I could see Patrick finally looking my way, he had a sort of sparkle of amusement as he stared at me. The car finally pulled up to a huge gate and once it fully opened the property we'd be staying at came into view.

A small gasp left my mouth, a gorgeous Italian villa captured my eyes and left me staring in awe. Pulling up to the driveway I was still admiring the architecture when Patrick got out of the car along with my hand he held tightly, dragging me out with him.

"I have to go out and do a few things so you're staying here until I get back." Was all Patrick said blankly, looking ahead.

Not bothering to argue I tried to take in every detail of the property up close before going inside. As if I wasn't mesmerized enough the inside was just as stunning.

"I want you to eat something and Aaron here will let me know if you have so don't bother disobeying." Patrick finally let go of the tight grip on my hand.

"Where are you going?" I decided to speak up.

"I'm going to deal with business you sit here and wait for me." He stopped suddenly making me come to a stop and almost crash into him.

"Aren't you going to eat?" I know he wants me to take care of my health but is he taking care of himself? Why do I even care what he does really?

"I can't stay I have a meeting so I'll grab something after." He shrugged and then suddenly pulled me in. His lips met mine with a breathtaking kiss that made my lips ache and freeze in place.

"Now be a good girl and behave don't try anything stupid because it'll only end up hurting you." His husky whisper brushed over my lips.

"Do I make myself clear?" He asked sternly, his eyes dead serious sending a cold shiver down my back.

"Yes." I sighed. I then let out a small gasp at the feeling of his finger tips digging into my non injured hip.

"Sir." I complied with his silent order.

"Good girl." His gravely voice praised me sending a sweet shiver down between my thighs. With a hard smack on my ass and a final kiss Patrick turned to leave right back out the front door, leaving me breathing heavily. I blushed furiously as I noticed Aaron had been watching the entire time, this is awkward.

"I'll take the luggage up to the room and I'll notify you when lunch is ready." Aaron got a hold of both luggage's and made his way effortlessly up the stairs. I took as much of everything I could around me in as I followed Aaron. This place is straight out of a fairytale.

Once inside the room I was just as stunned at the artwork of architecture and decor really. It was massive. I was too busy admiring when I heard the bedroom door close and lock from the outside. Quickly I stormed to the door and tried to pull it open hopelessly.

"Open the door!" My fists ponded on the door.

"I'm really sorry about this Miss, it was an order from the boss I'll bring lunch up when it's ready." With that I heard footsteps fading away. Are you kidding me! I let out a frustrated groan and fell down to my knees on the verge of tears.

What's the point? What does Patrick get off of keeping me locked away? It serves no purpose but waste my time and practicality make me go insane.

Later when lunch was ready Aaron brought it up for me but immediately locked the door after. I wanted to piss Patrick off by being a brat and not eating but my stomach growled in protest and the food did smell heavenly.

Hours must have gone by and the sun was starting to set, I looked out the locked, glass doors that led to the balcony to distract my running mind with the calmness of the scenery. I also tried reading but it was no use, which was very concerning, usually that did the trick.

No one was around and I was all alone locked away in this beautiful lie. I feel like a caged tiger. I sat here with nothing but my thoughts and the more time passed, I became more anxious. And with that my mind wondered if this is what the rest of my life will look like.

Kept away from the rest of the world and in fear of Patrick. This is not what I planned at all or even imagined this would be like when I first laid my eyes on him. Never in a million years did I think this was going to be my life, miserable and dreading each day. I think it's kind of selfish of me to wish someone else was in my position instead of me, but I did. Why did I have to go that night, the damn night he took my very breathe away.

The way his eyes never left me for even a second and had my body helplessly begging for his touch. But that wasn't the real Patrick Bateman.

It was all an act. A sweet honey trap to lure me in and cage me in my own personal hell. Call me crazy but even after I got a small glimpse of his true self there was just the slightest bit of hope for the Patrick I fell head over heels for would come back. But those hopes were crushed completely when he pulled his little stunt and threatened me with a gun.

A bone chilling shiver ran down my spine just thinking if he was really capable of pulling the trigger.

Why did Patrick need me, I'm of absolutely no use for him locked up here doing nothing all day. My stomach twisted, panic and anxiety elevated just thinking about it. Then what was the reason what does Patrick even what to do with me?

All I can do is cry feeling sorry for myself, I can only image what Patrick wants me for. For his sick pleasure, to be his pathetic little pet. He's already manipulating and controlling me into literally anything he wants.

As beautiful and massive this room is I felt so claustrophobic and alone. What do I have to do to get out of his grasp? Is there even a way out? I can't do this forever I have to find a way there must be something I can do without putting my family in danger.

I laid in bed after I changed into something more comfortable and waited for Patrick to get back. But before I got to see him walk through the door my eye lids became heavier in the dark. The weight of the blanket comforted me to rest my mind for the night.


Girlies I need feedback, how am I doing? I've been feeling a little ehh about my writing recently idk I feel like I can do better. Anyways on another note enjoy and stay safe!

Thanks for reading!

Devilicious Psychopath | Patrick Bateman | 18+Where stories live. Discover now