War inside a Fractured Mind

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⚠️ Trigger warning! ⚠️
* These new couple of chapters are going to be very heavy finally revealing "Y/n's" past traumas including from when she was a child, if you are uncomfortable with that don't read please*

"Always a pleasure Robert." Patrick's smile held amusement, even smug to show up at his office with me at his side. Gotta love these two.

Mother all of a sudden became enthusiastic and excited for her daughter to get married and took it upon herself to start planning seeing that I haven't so much as even started looking at dresses. There was no date but recently Patrick has brought it up more than usual.

It was definitely in the near future, the thought both excited me and got me nervous all at once. The idea of wearing Patrick's ring and calling him my husband sent me over the moon. I really do love him and even though the start of our relationship was not ideal, I have grown to love him, psychopath and all.

His need to bend me over spontaneously whenever he was in the mood was insatiable and his dirty words breathing down my neck brought out a side of me that's always been there but only ever allowed to come out when Patrick wants to play.

Speaking of Patrick, he went into the office today leaving me to sit at home but I decided on visiting my mom to help with the wedding planning and picking out center pieces. But with no license and no one else to drive me at the moment I decided to walk. It would take a while but I need the exercise anyway.

Ten minutes into my lovely walk I was just outside of the estate gate and walking the cobblestone path deeper out into the woods a secluded path that eventually got you out in the main road, but I stayed hidden.

Another ten minutes go by when I notice a black SUV appear from afar. There have been no cars driving by at all but I didn't think much of it. There were a few other hidden estates in the area far away from each other for privacy.

A couple minutes go by and my skin starts to prickle in awareness. I look back to see if the car is still behind or if it went some other direction but when I did it was still a couple miles away.

I don't like the feeling that overcame me the second I saw the vehicle. Sighing out a deep breath I ignored it and picked up my pace.

Well wasn't this a good idea, I'm alone practically out in the far middle of nowhere and could quite literally became a target.

What am I taking about? This is my neighborhood, sure it might be hidden and woodsy but I'm pretty I'm just fine out here.

Randomly seeing Cassio's face and strangely bumping into Howard seems to have put me in an edge of paranoia. Shaking off the anxious feeling I only manage to do that for a minute until awareness of how close the dark tinted windows of the car get even closer.

What has my adrenaline picking up to dash out into the woods any second is how slow the unfamiliar car seems to be stalking behind me.

Keeping my sight up ahead I strain my hearing for any change and as soon as I hear the wheels come to a halt I curse under my breath and sprint into the woods.

Not looking back I hear a bit of commotion but I keep forward hoping to make it right back home. My heart beats in my ear drums loudly but I can still make out the sounds of heavy footfalls storming behind me.

Why me?! No I have to get back, I have to reach the perimeter of the house so I can be safe.

My thoughts are rudely interrupted with a harsh hand coming down on my arm to drag me down. A scream leaves my lips but it's cut off by a cloth with an alarming smell.

Devilicious Psychopath | Patrick Bateman | 18+Where stories live. Discover now