Cold Hearted

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My life flashed before my eyes, my eyes closed, and then my whole body went limp.

My head was spinning but it was pitch black. I could feel the soft pillow under my head and the soft blanket that kept me warm.

Slowly I regained conscious and blinked my eyes open, it was dark in the room and I was alone. I don't know how long I was out. My chest felt heavy and then there was an awful ponding in my head.

My body ached as I tried sitting up, then my memory flooded with the events of earlier. Fear seeped in once I realized Patrick could walk in any second. I closed my eyes and tried to steady my breath.

"You're up." A voice startled me into looking it's direction. The lights were turned on, immediately my eyes squinted and my arm went up to shield my eyes from the bright light.

"Sweet thing, got so scared you passed out." All he did was laugh at the fact in amusement. My eyes adjusted to the light and I lowered my arm. Just then Patrick took a step closer and my heart raced. I passed out of fear?

"Don't." I said as sternly as my quivering voice would allow me. It was clear Patrick didn't like my demand by the way his eyes darkened and that arrogant smile vanished, but he stopped in his tracks anyways.

"Don't come any closer." I could feel tears begin to water my eyes, I don't want that maniac near me. He pulled a gun out on me I don't know how long ago.

"I said don't come any closer." Panic took me by a storm as he didn't listen to my demands so I moved away the closer he got. Then my back hit the headboard stopping me from moving further away.

"Patrick please." I begged in desperation, but all I got in return was a taunting, fake frown.

"Why are you crying?" He was now on the edge of the bed looking down at me in annoyance.

"I'm scared." I confessed, Patrick scared me to no end with his little stunt and I didn't want to be near a man like that.

"Well darling, frankly I don't give a damn!" I flinched at the loud sound of his tone and the discomfort that came after as he forced me to look up at him. My body couldn't help but tremble, eager to get away.

"It would be a shame to scar such soft skin doll, but your actions will get the people you love and care about in trouble, but you don't want that do you?" He spoke to me in a much softer, hushed voice, it was his way of calming me down and comfort me in an odd way. I shook my head in reply as I looked up at him with pleading eyes, tears slowly racing down my cheeks.

"Then why don't you be my slut only and forget about other men." Patrick smirked down at me, satisfied that once again he easily tamed me under his poisonous spell.

That's his way of manipulating me into not leaving him. The reason he threatened me with a gun was to scare me from any idea of any other men that weren't him. He claimed I slept with Jonathan but that's far from the truth.

"I didn't sleep with Jonathan." I was somewhat starting to calm down after he assured me, he wasn't going to hurt me if I obeyed his every wish. But I was in no shape or form happy about him threatening me nor keeping me against my will.

"I believe you." He looked deep into my tear filled eyes then his hands cradled my cheeks and his thumbs wiped my tears away before he stole a kiss from my lips. It was aggressive and it took me by surprise. His lips on mine never failed to leave me mystified.

Devilicious Psychopath | Patrick Bateman | 18+Where stories live. Discover now