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I guess I don't know what's going on with me, but I know someday everything is going to boil over and the mental breakdown is not going to be pretty.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Everyone yelled and cheered as loud as they could as soon as the clock struck midnight. My smile grew so big it hurt my mouth, it's been some time since I smiled this much.

"Happy birthday!" Chris laid on top of me engulfing me in a big bear hug, I hugged him back just as tight if not maybe even tighter. I miss his hugs. I could see Sue walking out the back door holding a cake with sparklers.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Y/n, happy birthday to you!" Everyone sang along swelling my heart with joy.

Then it hit me, it's my birthday. I'm twenty, I'm no longer a teenager I'm officially in my twenties. A weird, frightening thrill ran through me at the thought.

"Make a wish." I closed my eyes and blew the candles out with the wishes of my breathe. My friends cheered and Chris got to cutting the cake as soon as Sue placed it on the table.

"Happy birthday Y/n." I turned beside me to see Henry smiling at me.

"Thank you Henry." I looked into his blue eyes and took in the moment between us. I rarely talk to him anymore. The look in his eyes told me he wanted to say more but he didn't. What happened we were all so close, I still feel that connection but it's not the same. Patrick happened.

"Happy birthday love." I looked up at Patrick, speak of the devil, and took his open hand. Patrick had a beautiful smile on his face, I don't think I've ever seen him smile this big ever. He truly is beautiful I wish he would smile more, I took the image in and stored it away in my memory. I stood up and he wrapped me in a big embrace and gave me a big kiss. My friends ooued causing my cheeks to blush.

"Cake." Chris handed me a plate. I brought a forkful to my mouth and moaned at the sweet taste.

"Cake?" Chris asked Patrick.

"No thanks." Patrick shook his head. I brought a forkful to his mouth and he rejected it, who rejects cake? I dipped my finger in the chocolate frosting and smeared it on his cheek. He only opened his mouth in disbelief and his own hand reached for my cake.

Before he could smear frosting on my face I opened my mouth and sucked the frosting from his finger. Giving him a sultry look, and flirty eyes he bit his bottom lip.

"Behave." He muttered so I could only hear. I released his finger with a pop and stood on my tippy toes to lick his cheek clean.

"Why are you in such a naughty mood today?" Patrick chuckled as he took the plate from my hand and placed it down. His hands then reached down to grip my ass.

"Happy Birthday babes." Brandon practically ripped me from Patrick's arms and pulled me in for a hug.

"Thank you Brandon." I tried to pull away from the hug but his grip wouldn't let me.

"Move my turn." Sue came to the rescue and swept me right from under Brandon.

"Happy birthday Y/n." She squealed as she hugged me with so much love. I knew we weren't talking as much as we used to but her hug said the words she's couldn't. I have to talk to her about this sooner or later, it's killing me inside not being able to tell her. And it's clearly affecting my relationship with all of them. But I can't risk Patrick knowing, I'd be putting everyone in danger for being so selfish.

We spent hours under the stars, around the bonfire just talking about nonsense and about the near future. I laid in Patrick's arms and it was nice talking to my friends but my eyes were starting to get tired.

Devilicious Psychopath | Patrick Bateman | 18+Where stories live. Discover now