Tumbling Dice

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Making his way to the bedroom I definitely know I'm getting it tonight.

Patrick laid me down on the bed and stripped completely naked before me. I couldn't help but admire his nakedness, his physique is so mouthwatering. His large cock was already up and ready. I moaned at the sheer sight of that man.

"I haven't even touched you and you're already begging." He let out an amused chuckle. He moved over to undress me completely. His fingers gazed over my skin softly, delicately.

"So beautiful my love." His hand gripped my curves and captured my lips. The heat of his body warmed mine up right away and our legs tangled as he pinned me to the mattress. It was different, this time around his touch and lips were soft and gentle.

As the unbroken kiss went on his hand traveled down to my needy core and he toyed with my aching clit. A moaned slipped into his mouth, my legs opened giving him more access. Then his fingers slipped into my hole earning a louder sound from me.

"You like that doll?" He teased looking me in the eyes as his fingers worked me, thrusting in and out of my aching cunt. I nodded giving him a pleading look.

"What do you want?" He asked a mischievous glint flashed his eyes. His fingers never stopped their pleasurable speed.

"You." I whimpered. My legs twitched from the overwhelming amount of pleasure and tried to close around his hand. His other hand forcefully opened my legs once more.

"What was that?" He pretended to not here me. His fingers worked magic but I wanted him fully. If that's what he wants to hear to give it to me so be it.

"I want your cock to fill me up and fuck me." I looked him in the eye and begged. His eyes widened at my boldness but quickly returned to normal. His smirk grew and his fingers stopped. Pulling them from inside me completely he brought his fingers up to his mouth. I watched him suck my juices off his fingers clean. The intensity of our eyes boring into each others sent a shiver down my spine.

He positioned himself over me and I spread my legs. His tip toyed with my clit causing me to buck my hips.

"Please." I whined desperately.

"What's gotten into you, so needy how badly do you want it?" What a tease just fuck me already.

"Please I'll do anything." My breath got heavier when his tip teased my opening.

"Anything?" He husked over my lips. He slipped a pillow under my lower back.

"Please." I whimpered, his tip was fully inside me.

"Good girl." He purred and bucked his hips, he was now fully inside me expanding my tight walls. I let out a cry of pleasure and my nails dug into his strong shoulders. A mix between a primal growl and groan erupted deep within his chest. But he didn't go as hard as I'd expect from Patrick.

It was a nice speed with just enough roughness while being gentle all at the same time. I don't know how many times we've had sex it seems like every time it gets even better than the last.

His lips attacked mine making it harder to breathe, his hips moved at an intoxicating rhythm.

"Sweet noises." His voice rasped in between kisses. I arched my back clawing at his. The sound of skin slapping skin echoed off the walls and his cock now reached an angle sending waves of pleasure all over. My velvety walls hugged his veiny cock tightly not wanting to let him go.

"Uh." I voiced the bliss I was experiencing from every thrust and pound his thick cock brought to me.

"Such a sweet cunt." Patrick grunted never missing a beat.

Devilicious Psychopath | Patrick Bateman | 18+Where stories live. Discover now