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It was a matter of time before I was lulled into a peaceful slumber in his arms. For the first time in a long time I fell asleep without trouble.

Time feels as if it's flown by, like it been forever when it's only been two months. My life has changed drastically in such little time to say the least.

Things are different, very different.

Two whole months and I've never been happier. Since I returned I've been attached to Patrick by the hip. And I have a feeling he wants to be just as close because he's been taking time off work more recently. To do anything really, even something as simple as running errands, to be with me, just to spend more time together.

Everything's perfect finally, a complete 180 since I came home. You wouldn't even question that Patrick was a psychopath killer before, which is very strange and eerie at times. I'm even starting to question if everything was just all in my head, that I'd gone mad but that can't be. It was real. It happened I saw it with my own two eyes.

There's only one thing that's been eating at my insides this whole time, keeping a secret. Trust me I've tried to tell Patrick multiple times but every single time I'm filled with immense amount of stress, scared of his reaction.

Scared to trigger him into being the way he was before, of ruining everything by telling him what really happened to me while I was abducted. He still doesn't know or at least I think he doesn't. Guilt eats away whenever we're intimate. Though it did take sometime for us to be intimate again at first, I feel like he did suspect something but never pushed me into telling him.

"See anything you like darling?" Patrick crept up behind me placing a delicate kiss right below my ear, spending small shivers down my back. No matter how long we've been together I don't think I'll never not react to his touch.

"I'm looking around." I smiled turning around in his arms to meet a loving smile and soft eyes. The opposite of cold, calculating soulless eyes he looks at everyone else. It makes me feel special I a way I never had.

"Get anything you want my love." He connected our lips and followed close besides me, fingers interlocked as I looked over the variety of clothes.

I scanned the store and I stopped when an elegant fur coat caught my eye, faux fur. Perfect for the new change in weather. I made my way towards it and searched for my size.

"Nice." Patrick approved and helped carry the rest of my stuff to check out.


"Where do you want to do eat?" Patrick asked bringing our still interlocked hands up to his lips to kiss the back of my hand. Quickly glancing over at me before returning his gaze on the road, his other hand busy on the wheel.

I thought about his question before settling on what quickly became my favorite pizza place. Nothing fancy but anything is fine at the moment I was craving something greasy and delicious. I was surprised when he didn't make a fuss at my choice knowing Patrick is really strict with his diet. Which I still don't know why he needs to be on, has he looked at himself in the mirror. Looks like he was sculpted to perfection by the gods.

Patrick parked the car swiftly and got out making his way over to my side to open the door. I placed my hand in his and got out of the car and before I could fully step out and stand, Patrick pulled me in his chest and turned expeditiously getting me out of the way of a fast cyclist who didn't seem to stop anytime soon.

"Bastard." Patrick muttered under his breathe, retrieving to give me space. Not that Patrick wasn't ever possessive or overprotective but those traits only grew since... the incident. Once we got out food we got a nice table outside enjoying the sun and slight cold breeze of fall.

Devilicious Psychopath | Patrick Bateman | 18+Where stories live. Discover now