Bruises & Kisses

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"I don't know why I can't hurt you, what are you doing to me." Was the last thing I heard Patrick mutter, I could not keep my mind awake. I passed out from exhaustion.

I let out a soft groan at the sound of a faint knock on the door but I could not move, it physically hurt. I closed my eyes at the bright sun out, I was sore from the events of last night. My body ached all over I'm going to need a few days to recover.

"She's still asleep she looks pretty exhausted." I heard Patrick's voice say, who was he talking to?

"Remind her we have to go shopping before we go to the yacht later today will you?" Sue's voice replied. Sue! I totally forgot I promised to go out with her today. I just hope I'll be able to walk after a nice bath, I don't want to let her down.

"I will." The door closed and soon Patrick walked in the room. I stayed still with my eyes closed pretending to be asleep. The bed dipped beside me and I laid with my back to him. Seconds trickled by and then I left his hands roam over my hip. My eyes squeezed shut, I tried to not move.

He left a trail of kisses to my exposed shoulder down to where my shoulder and neck connected. I moved slightly at the touch, my neck being really sensitive.

"Morning." His hand gripped my hip as he pressed up against my back. Kissing the back of my neck and between my shoulder blades. I can't lie I loved the sensation of his lips all over me but I still didn't know how to feel about last night.

The way I was treated, like a doll, used and treated however he felt. Then the next morning act like nothing happened at all, acting cuddly and somewhat normal. Normal was not the word, it's strange really. To some extent I was ashamed. Ashamed of the part deep down inside me that liked it, even in his hands somehow I knew Patrick wouldn't really hurt me. Thinking like that disturbed me because I knew what Patrick was capable of doing.

"Susan came by a second ago, says you two are going shopping?" He stood back up and I wanted to sit up but I can't. It physically hurt to move at all, that's how sore I am.

"I can barely move how am I going to walk?" My lips fell to a small pout upset with the fact that this is really going to be a struggle. Later everyone was going to gather and go on the boat out at sea.

My thoughts were broken by the sound of bath filling with water. I huffed out a sigh feeling uncomfortable on my side. Patrick came back around and stood over me. Looking up at Patrick now in the sunlight coming in through the glass doors I could see he had a bit of stubble. I don't think I've ever seen him with any before, he's very consistent with shaving. Maybe being on vacation has helped him relax a bit, he always looks stressed and is always working. He looks good, I can imagine him with facial hair and I bet he looks hot.

"How about a hot bath it'll help soothe your muscles." He stretched out his hand for me to take.

"I can't move it hurts." I whined. His eyes held glint of amusement. Suddenly he leaned down to pick me up surprised I squealed by the sudden moment. I cling onto him as Patrick carried me towards a needed hot bath.

As I was slowly laid in the water I moaned. Already feeling much better, the warm water soothed and caressed my aching body. I sank completely in the water and let it do the work closing my eyes.

"Don't fall asleep." Patrick laughed lightly. What a rare sound, odd, was it genuine I couldn't tell you.

"I barely got any sleep." I was being lulled into sleep by the water. When I could move my arms without them hurting I grabbed the soap to wash my body throughly. Then is finally when I noticed all the love marks and bruises painted over my skin. I gasped softly seeing how bad it was and it made a bit sick. Taking my time as well as massaging my body.

Devilicious Psychopath | Patrick Bateman | 18+Where stories live. Discover now