Athens, Here We Come

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"I never meant to let you down daddy." My father comforted me and let me cry all my bottled up feelings out. I don't know what to do.

"I've got it all planned out and no I'm not asking you, you're going!" Sue squealed on the other line.

"Okay where exactly are we going?" I asked for any details of this planned birthday trip.

"We're going to Greece, Athens to be exact and that's about all I can tell you." She replied making my smile grow bigger. My friends had planned another trip for my birthday, a whole week in Greece sounds lovely. Getting Patrick to let me go doesn't sound lovely at all.

"You better hurry up and pack the flight leaves at ten tomorrow, remember lots of sunscreen." Sue brought me out of my thoughts.

"Oooh and there's also going to be lots of guys, speaking of guys would Patrick want to go?" She then asked taking me aback.

"I don't know actually I'll ask him." I already had no idea how I was going to convince Patrick to let me go let alone bring him along. Time away from Patrick did sound nice, just time to clear my head. To get away from it all.

"I still have some packing to do myself so I'll see you tomorrow." Sue replied.

"See you tomorrow." I hung up and huffed out a sigh, I laid on my back looking up at the ceiling preparing for how I was gonna get Patrick to be okay with me going away. It was honestly sad that I even had to ask but I wonder for how long would I have to put up with this.

Would I be in this situation every time I wanted to go out with my friends, to see my family? How much longer until I gained his trust in letting me go out? If this continues eventually everyone is going to notice the isolation and question it. I'm surprised they haven't brought it up yet, I went from seeing my friends everyday to barely seeing them anymore. I did text them to keep in touch but I think they're giving me time because of my new 'relationship'.

Making my mind up, I let out a big breathe and stood up, walking into Patrick's home office a couple doors down. I took another silent breathe before knocking on his door, he let me in so I opened the door and stepped in.

"Patrick." I called his name hoping to get his attention from the computer.

"Come here." It took him a second but he looked up at me through his glasses motioning for me over.

"What is it darling?" He asked instinctively placing his hand on my waist, caressing my skin.

"Umm, I was wondering if you could." I hesitated just because he looked fine doesn't mean he was in a good mood. So far his voice was soft and sweet, odd.

"What is it baby, come here." He sat me on his lap and laid his hands on my hips. His lips then nipped and kisses my neck.

"I wanted to ask if I could go out, with my friends." I got the words out and waited for any change in his expression. But it stayed the same, emotionless way.

"Where are you going?" He asked intrigued.

"On a yacht for a few days... at Athens... in Greece." I looked down at my hands.

"Well since you asked so nicely, of course kitten." He smiled and I looked back up at him in shock. Did he actually let me go out?

"You look shocked." He chuckled before pulled me in for a kiss.

"I just didn't think you'd let me go." I shrugged smiling a bit. He seemed to be in a good mood which was odd, very strange.

"Well the only reason I'm letting you go is because I'm gonna go with you." My smile faltered, of course. At least it's better than not going at all.

Devilicious Psychopath | Patrick Bateman | 18+Where stories live. Discover now