New Flame

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I didn't because I wasn't okay, I was far from it actually.

"Y/n!" Sue busted through the door yelling for me.

"Oh thank goodness you're alright, you had me so worried." I was engulfed in her arms that wrapped around me tightly.

"You are not allowed to go out by yourself again." Henry's voice grasped my attention.

"Guys please I'm alright, I'm perfectly fine." I sighed faking my annoyance but feeling happy inside that they were truly worried.

"Tell me everything!" Sue jumped.

"I'm hungry let me change and let's go out to eat." I smiled at my friends and they agreed instantly. I left to my room, changing into a cute sundress and brushed through my locks quickly. Spraying on my perfume and applying gloss I hurried to meet them by the door.

"Let's go." We all got into Henry's car and without discussing where to eat he headed towards our favorite dinner.

I was so happy to finally be around my friends and be free from Patrick. But my stomach was still turning at the thought of lying and twisting a disturbing nightmare into a dreamy fairytale.

I don't know what Patrick is really capable of and I don't want to find out. The wheels in my brain were turning to find an alternative story. My friends were expecting every detail, I have to leave out the part where Patrick goes psycho and terrifying for their own good. A little part inside of me was really holding onto hope, that there is a way out of this mess.

How did I even manage to get myself in this situation? I fell for him, well more like the idea of him. When he was the perfect stranger, now that I saw behind the act I want absolutely nothing to do with him.

Once we got to the dinner we sat at our table that was almost always available and we ordered our food.

"Now can you please get to spilling." Sue squealed as soon as the waitress left the table.

"Okay." I a breath and put a fake smile on.

"From the beginning please where did he take you out?" Sue insisted.

"We went to a very nice restaurant I didn't end up getting the name but he was just everything and more." I didn't lie. That night Patrick was still the forbidden fruit I wanted a taste of so bad. Patrick was perfect and so gentle with me, up until the next morning that is, when the dream shattered into a nightmare.

The smile on my face became more authentic and brighter as I then told them about the sweet things he had said to me. Going out to the club with his friends and then going to his apartment where I was forced to go into heavy detail by Sue. I could tell all three of them were very intrigued and listening intently.

Once it got to recalling the morning after that my heartbeat quickened and anxiety turned my stomach. Trying my best not to break down I continued with a completely made up other half of the story.

"I'm so happy for you!" Sue gushed with a bright smile.

"Yeah you're not a virgin anymore, how do you feel?" Chris asked getting smacked on his arm by Henry.

"As long as you're happy and he treats you right." Henry gave me a lip tight smile, it didn't reach his eyes like Chris's or Sue's. Maybe he's tired is all but there was still a weird feeling that wasn't it. Every time Patrick is brought up Henry starts acting strange and gets quiet.

"Susan!" An excited voice led our eyes to snap towards Sebastian, the guy Sue has been seeing and an unfamiliar face trailing behind him.

"Sebastian!" Sue jumped out of her seat to engulf the guy in a tight embrace he returned just as tightly.

Devilicious Psychopath | Patrick Bateman | 18+Where stories live. Discover now