Little Lamb

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I was left wondering what to do in the mean time, I guess this calls for exploring. Possibly plan on a way to get out.


"Please start from the very beginning." Chris crossed his arms. I sighed, deciding where to start this.

"My dad got himself into things he shouldn't have late in his life." I began, thinking of all the stupid shit my dad ended up doing because of his addiction.

"He was out drinking one night with some friends and they happen to get into an altercation with another group of men." I paused with another heavy sigh. Chris, Henry, and Patrick grasped the information intently waiting to connect the dots.

"It escalated very quickly, it got heated, he was drinking a lot that night and he accidentally fired his gun and he shot someone." The anticipation grew with every pause. To this day I couldn't believe what mess my father had gotten himself into.

"That someone happened to be Davide Martinelli, Cassio's cousin." My jaw hardened, bitting the inside of my cheek taking in their reactions.

"Dear God." Henry muttered under his breath running a hand over his face, truly taking in the depth of what we're dealing with.

"He died and Cassio wanted blood but before he could got a hold of my father, he killed himself. Leaving me to clean up the mess left behind." Another loud sigh left me. I guess my dad thought death was a sweet escape from the torture Cassio would've put him through. And only to a certain degree I couldn't blame him.

"I thought he passed from natural causes." Chris replied. I collected my thoughts and pushed through telling them the rest.

"I tried everything, insane amounts of money to keep Cassio from coming near my family, pleading, even had to do some dirty work for his gain and I did everything to keep from-." There was a pause, I swallowed hard, pushing the bubbling rage down before continuing.

"I did anything to keep from marrying my daughter off to him." Audible gasps were heard throughout the room. I felt an intense amount of anger after I finally got the words out.

"What the fuck." Patrick shook his head now looking down at the ground in utter disbelief.

"Christ." Henry reacted with wide eyes.

"Hold on a damn minute." Chris looked so stressed as he listened.

"What, how did it come to potentially marrying your daughter off to him?" He then asked.

"Cassio attended a private party I hosted and Y/n came looking for me that night, I wish she hasn't because that's where he saw her for the first time and he became completely obsessed with her." Obsessed was an understatement. I can't believe I was actually able to keep him away from her for so long, up until now.

"I could tell right then and there, the way he looked at her, I knew what was coming after she left for the night. As soon as she left, he took me off to the side and asked but immediately I said no, not my daughter." I scoffed recalling my exact response, hell no.

"Hearing no obviously pissed him off, I did everything from marrying my daughter off into the mafia, over my dead body." I couldn't recognize my own voice that filled with venom. That promise still stands so it's time for my daughter to come home.

"How long ago was that?" Patrick spoke up.

"Y/n was only seventeen then and I don't think she even looked his way that night or even knows who he is. I tried to keep this from my family or anyone from knowing so that's why we can't get anyone else involved and definitely the authorities can't be contacted, that will only give us more trouble." I said sternly making it crystal clear.

Devilicious Psychopath | Patrick Bateman | 18+Where stories live. Discover now