Sweet Little Lies

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Our bodies wet and stained but wrapped together. Patrick pulled away from the heated kiss and got the loofah soapy before rubbing it over my skin, washing away every speck of blood off my body. He didn't stop until I was all clean.

I can not sleep to save my life, Patrick knew by the way I was tossing and turning disrupting his sleep. How can he sleep so peacefully at night after what he did? Even after everything he's put me through all along I didn't really think Patrick was capable of something so gut wrenching as murder.

Hours after the incident I feel like I haven't really wrapped my mind around what Patrick truly did.

The fact sent my heart racing in distress, the monster that was capable of taking someone's life so brutally and put them though such torture was sleeping soundlessly besides me. What was stopping him from taking mine?

I felt so uneasy and dirty even after a long shower. I feel disgusted, I can still feel his blood all over me. I want to throw up from the amount of guilt I felt in the pit of my stomach. My mind was running a hundred miles per second and the panic in my chest felt as though I couldn't breathe. I sat up with a shaky breath trying to keep my tears from flowing but it was no use. Patrick let out a heavy breath before getting out of bed.

I was startled by his sudden movement but he got his shirt and handed it to me before putting on his sweats. I put it on without questioning him, he led me outside to the balcony.

There I stood by the balcony and my eyes caught sight of the bright moon and shinning stars. I was distracted by the scenery just slightly but I was still a wreck on the inside. Patrick stood against the railing facing off into the distance a couple feet away as he lit up a cigarette.

I know in some way I've always been intimidated by Patrick, scared of him when his mask came off the second we were alone. But I don't think I've ever felt the way that I feel about him as I do now. He's familiar but at the same time feels like such a stranger.

I don't really know him at all do I.

"I know what you saw today scared you." Patrick stated, I turned slightly to see him from the corner of my eye.

"I never meant for you to see that, you're mind is far too delicate to even stand the sight of a little blood." He blew a cloud of smoke from his mouth before speaking. I stayed silent, hugging myself as I stood looking at him.

"But the truth is that I'm insane, and you're stuck with me so get used to it sweetheart." Patrick said before turning to face me with cold eyes.

"You're mine Y/n, and everyone is going to know that from now on, including your dear father." A devilish look in his eyes glistened for just a second as he looked down at me. Moving closer he pressed up against me, my back against the railing trapping me between it and his body. His arms caging me in on either side.

He then leaned down, his face only centimeters from mine. I admired his features thinking of a time I used to look at him and my heart would melt. I then looked into his earthy colored eyes trying to figure out the emotion within them, if it was even possible.

"Now wipe the tears from your pretty eyes baby." His gravelly voice rasped and rare, warm brown eyes hypnotized me. His hands cupped my cheeks, pulling me as close as possible, his thumb ran down my bottom lip pulling on it lightly. His soft lips grazed mine before Patrick kissed me with such tenderness.

In these moments when his cold walls came crumbling down. Where I saw a glimpse of the Patrick I thought I knew, my heart skipped a beat. The man that won my heart over and treated me like royalty and with such affection. I cherished them while they lasted because I knew all too well that it could be over in the flash of lightning.

Devilicious Psychopath | Patrick Bateman | 18+Where stories live. Discover now