Baby, You're No Good for Me

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"Why not?" He smiled making sure I held onto his arm.

Inside Charlie's fancy car I have time to sober up just a little bit as the street lights flashed by, and really think about what I had said back at the noisy mess of a club.

Do I really love Patrick? Is it love? Is this what love is supposed to be like? Emotions all over the place, not wanting to leave him even though I know I should be looking for an escape at ever corner. But I can't, I don't want to.

And that is a scarier thought than possibly falling in love with Patrick. Do I really see a fulfilling future with that man? What about kids and moving to a beautiful home in the country side of another country to have a small peace of heaven just for us. Would he want to do that? Does he even want kids? Would he know how to be a father?

One question brought up a handful more and I was starting to regret asking Charles to take me back to Patrick. The same place I wanted nothing more than to flee from not so long ago.

I had left without even a word hours before he even got home. He'd definitely be home by now. He's probably going to be very upset to know Charles was the one to give me a ride.

"What's going on in that head of yours?" Charlie's accent brought me out of my messy headspace. The Italian accent didn't necessarily bring me good memories of a certain man who'd taken advantage of me. But he also wasn't the first.

"Huh?" I turned to see his side profile with a slight shudder, admiring his features. He really is a good looking guy.

"You couldn't stop talking back there and now you're so quiet." He chuckled throwing me a quick glance.

"I'm feeling very conflicted all of a sudden." I frowned slightly. Why am I like this?

"Why, talk to me?" A frown adorned his own features.

"I don't know if I love Patrick or if it's just the alcohol." Charles listens and stays quiet for sometime.

"I'm not sure what love is supposed to feel like." I paused in order to gather my thoughts.

"Don't doubt yourself, you were very sure back there you two are engaged why the sudden doubt?" Charles threw another quick glance.

Right, to everybody looking in Patrick and I have a normal relationship, a regular engagement, nothing out of the ordinary. A young couple that is so madly in love, wanting to spend the rest of our lives together.

If only they knew, they don't know just how Patrick proposed exactly, how he kept me chained to him with threats. Threats I know he won't hesitate to act out upon.

"I don't know maybe I'm just being silly, I did have a lot to drink." I giggled still feeling the buzz of alcohol very much in control. What am I even blabbering about?

Somehow we manage to arrive. Took a bit longer wit my poor directions but in my defense I'm still quite drunk.

Getting out with the help of Charles his arm hooks onto mine to keep me up all the way inside, what a gentleman.

"You should probably stay out here so Patrick doesn't see you it's bad enough I left without a word. If he sees you he'll have a hissy fit for sure." There was a slight slur to my words but Charles didn't move to let go of me, helping me reach our awaited destination.

"That's fine I just wanted to make sure you made it to the door safely." He offered a kind smile.

"Thanks." I whispered with a huge smile on my face the door only a few feet away. But there was something terribly, terribly wrong...

Devilicious Psychopath | Patrick Bateman | 18+Where stories live. Discover now